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Liams POV

"Hi mate, how was school?" Dad shouted from the kitchen as i shut the front door.
I kicked off my navy vans and dropped my bag at the door, not bothered to pick them up. i can barely carry my own weight at the moment.
"It was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary" i huffed as i sat up on one of the tall stools at the countertop.
"Much homework?"
"No, got it all finished during geography. Ms was out."
"So this evening you wont mind helping papa paint the spare room?" He asked sassily catching me off guard. Tonight was the night I've been dreading for weeks now. The night where things could go great and everything would remain normal or things could go terrible and Sophia's heart would be broken.
"Actually i have plans" i murmured quietly, watching his cerulean blue eyes pour into mine, searching for the information i wasn't giving to him as he continued to fold the clean washing.
"Is that so.... Watcha doin' tonight then?" He quirked an eyebrow as he crossed his tattooed arms over his chest.
"Just heading over to soph's"
"Care to tell me what's really bothering you Liam?"
I left out a long, stressed sigh, rubbing my tired face with my hands. Why is everything so stressful at the moment?
"Were gonna tell Sophia's parents" i mumbled. Silence filled the room, Harry's gurgles the only sound that broke it.
"Oh... Oh right. I see."
"Yup! Fun times" i sarcastically answered, earning a flick in the ear from dad as he set everything down on the counter top and just concentrated on me.
"Liam, were talking about a baby's life here. This is a big thing and it will decide how your child is raised and where. Its a massive thing for sophia too, by tonight her life could be turned upside down! Imagine being kicked out of your house for something that you cant fix? It hurts!" He ranted as he stared right into my eyes, his words flooding my brain. He was right but what can i do about it all? Im 16 for crying out loud!
"i know it's a big thing but how can i fix any of this? how can i make it up to her for putting her whole life on hold for a couple of years? i-i just cant dad! i destroyed her chance of a normal life along with my own" i stuttered, letting it all out, physically feeling the stress flowing from my body. Then dad set down the baby blue onesie he had in his hands, leaving it on the countertop in a ball of wrinkles and walked over to my sideof the counter, taking my hands in his own, much smaller, ones.
"You're gonna be there for her and for your little son or daughter. I dont care if that means you have to run to Japan and back from London or if it means flying to the moon, I want you to do whatever it takes. You both have to grow up faster than was originally planned and truth be told, you're still only a boy but sometimes it's the little things that turn a boy into a man. Keep that in mind Liam"


Zayns POV

"Niall, can you come in here for a minute? Daddy and I need to talk to you for a bit." i asked quietly, sticking my head out the patio doors to where my blonde haired toddler was sitting cross legged in his sandpitt. Poppy would spend hours sitting beside him watching as he built and destroyed thousands of his sand creations and drove his toy cars and tractors around and around the box and of course, tonight was no different.
"okay but am i in twouble?" he lisped cutely, looking up from his spot in the sandpitt with his innocent blue orbs sparkling up at me.
"No love, but we need you to do us a really big favour. Do you think you can be a big boy and help us?"
He took a minute to pause for thought, bringing his index finger up to his cheek as if he were making a life or death decision, but honestly he didnt really have much to think about so it was a fairly obvious decision. "I be big boy" he chirped as he waddled over to me, covered from head to toe in sand so i brushed off the excess quickly and picked him up under the armpits, resting him on my hip and brought him into Louis.
"Theres my boy!" Louis cooed as Niall wriggled around to get out of my grip and run over to his daddy. As soon as his feet hit the ground he was bounding towards Lou, like a crazed fan at a concert, running for a spot at the barrier.
I had to laugh as he leaped onto louis with the least amount of grace possible and ended up sending Louis flying backwards with the force. Only Niall.
"Take it easy! You're like a bulldozer!" Louis giggled quietly while he recovered from the blow he just received.
"I sowwy i just missed you" he apologised with his signature little giggle.
"No worries pet, just try keep it down. Haz wouldn't go to sleep for ages tonight."
Niall crawled up onto louis lap, like an Alsatian with small dog syndrome. He doesn't seem to realease that he's not as small as he used to be. Even so, Louis will always make room for him, or any of the kids for that matter, on his lap whether he's 3 or 33. I can garuntee that without question.
"Niall, you know the way Lili always brings Sophia over and sometimes they play with you and Harry?" Louis said slowly, stroking his wispy, dirty blonde fringe with his fingers.
"yeah" he lisped, watching both of his daddies carefully. He probably sensed the tension in the house at the moment.
"Well how would you like it if Sophia were to come live with us for a while?" i asked out straight. There was no point trying to beat around the bush, he'd just get distracted anyway.
"Buh, what 'bout her daddies? Dey no be sad?" he furrowed his eyebrows, a crease forming on his smooth forehead.
"Well, sophia has a mummy and a daddy not two daddies. And yes they will be sad but Sophia's mummy and daddy want her to live somewhere different for a while." Louis soothed, giving him another cuddle as the blue eyed boy tried to figure things out in his head. The silence that overtook the room was peaceful but at the same time that tension still lingered in the air. The only noise was the crackle of the fire and a few cooes from the baby monitor but other than that you could hear a pin drop.
"Daddy?" Niall spoke up after a couple of minutes "where's my mummy?"
Louis cheeks turned tomato red. Poor lad never expected that question. I was holding my breathe trying not to laugh and im fairly sure i was about to turn blue if i didnt breathe soon but when Louis gave me that 'dont you dare laugh or i will slap you silly' look i realised that maybe holding it in a bit longer wasnt such a bad idea.
"i-i'm your... mummy. B-but you just call me daddy because i-i'm a boy and not a girl like Sophia's mummy" he explained with a stutter. I could tell the word 'mummy' tasted sour in his mouth. He hated being referred to as mummy. I can remember when Liam was about 6 Lottie decided it would be funny to get Liam to call her brother 'Mummy'. Of course louis was less than impressed and i ended up with Liam sobbing his little brown eyes out on my shoulder because "aunty lottie did mean things" to him. He refused to talk to her again for at least 3 months and even at that he wouldnt call her lottie, it was always Charlotte for a whole year before he got over it.
"otay" he shrugged and went to hop down from Louis lap.
"wait a minute buster!" i exclaimed, scooping him up as he tried to make his get away, causing him to giggle and cover his face with his little hands. "So will you let sophia stay here?"
"and will you be nice to her when she's sad tonight because she misses her mummy and daddy?"
"and will you be nice to Harry and promise not to be mean to him because he's only a teeny tiny baby?"
"Nice try Malik" Louis chided, getting up to tickle the toddler in my arms.
"We're married now. It's Malikson" i sassed, feeling a sharp sting on my bum as his hand collided with my left cheeks while he walked by.
"we might be hitched but your'e always gonna be Malik to me, Malik"
Niall cuddled into my chest taking in his daddies playing, just like it used to be. The smile on his face was a dead giveaway that he missed our old playful selves.
"your daddy is gonna keep us young, i swear" i chuckled, bouncing the toddler as he giggled happily to himself. Now all we have to do is wait for the verdict from Liam. Although everyone seems fairly sure that by tonight we'd have another person under our roof. Well, technically two.

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