A bit under the weather

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Louis POV

From Zayn: can you please pick me up some ingredients for chocolate brownies in the shopping today?

To Zayn: k no problem but I thought we were on a diet?

From Zayn: i promised Sophia some while you were in Doncaster. Technically they're for our grandchild.

To Zayn: don't say that! It makes me feel old :(

From Zayn: don't worry we're still young haha I'll show you what I mean by that tonight ;) talk later darlin xx

To Zayn: I'll look forward to it ;) love you xx

I didn't hear from him after that so obviously his break was over and he was back teaching.
I stretched from my spot at the kitchen table, deciding to leave the rest of the laundry folding for a while because it was getting extremely boring and I'm getting lazy.
The big clock on the kitchen wall read 11am, causing a frown to spread across my face.
Usually, Nialls  up at 7 or 8 am and bouncing around full of energy but he hasn't woken up yet which is very strange.
Under normal circumstances I would've woke him up at 9 but he was up late last night due to Liam feeding him skittles so I let him sleep in.
After checking up on Harry, who was still amused in his bouncer chewing happily on his teddy bears ear, i went to check on my tired little toddler.
He was still sleeping peacefully, his lips parted and his arms scattered wildly in different directions with his blanket partially kicked off but still wrapped around his pudgy tummy.
He looked so peaceful and happy as he slept. It made me feel bad for waking him but his whole routine would be out of whack so I had to wake him up.
"Snuggle bug? It's wakey wakey time." I said softly while I picked him up and cuddled him, hoping the movement would wake him up a bit but all he did was groan.
"No daddy! I go sleepies" he whinged as he tossed and turned in my arms, obviously not happy about being woken up.
"Baby you missed breakfast already! If you stay in bed any longer the bed bugs will think you're one of them" i joked and began tickling his sides, making him scream with laughter and flail about happily.
"That's my boy, now do you want to get dressed and then have breakfast? Daddy needs to go out and do some jobs so we need to get a move on." I simply explained while he nodded and went back to cuddling into me.
"Your full of cuddles this morning aren't you?" I cooed as his hand reached up to play with my hair as he lay into me and nodded in response to my question but didn't make much effort to talk.
I quickly changed his soggy nappy and put a pair of navy tracksuit pants and a light blue matching hoodie that he insisted on buying last year but it only started fitting him in the last couple of days. Although the sleeves are a bit long but I'm sure he won't mind that too much. It's easy to roll them up a little.
"Ok Ni, in the car please." I ushered, going into the living room to pick up my youngest baby boy and bring him to the car.
"I not goin' daddy. I feel icky." He moaned as he stomped his small foot against the timber floor.
"Niall, you're fine. You said that last week too now please get to the car before I have to lift you in like a little baby. I don't want any arguments, ok?" I scolded, tugging Harry's blue and orange dinosaur jacket on him and attaching his dummy to it.
"But da-"
"No buts Niall! Best behaviour or no ice cream after your dinner. Now go get your shoes on and get into the car."
I watched him stalk off to get his vans from the utility room while I grabbed my wallet and put Harry into his car seat.
Hopefully his mood will pick up because he's in a rut now and when Niall's in a bad mood, everyone is in a bad mood.


"We get dems" Niall lisped, pointing to yet another bar of chocolate.
"No bud" I muttered, reading the label of a jar of pasta sauce. "You can get a treat after your lunch"
"But daddy, I wan-"
"Don't make me ring papa Niall, because he won't be very happy if he finds out you were being naughty" I scolded as I added a few things to the trolley while Harry dozed in the baby seat and Niall sat in the built in seat, a grumpy frown etched onto his face.
"NO! I AM GOOD BOY!" He screamed, making me stop the trolley and just stare at him in disbelief. This isn't the boy I know and love. He wouldn't dream of doing that in a million years.
"I thought you were meant to be sick? Sick boys don't shout and don't think for a second you're gonna get away with that because let me tell you Niall James, you are in SOOO much trouble when you get home." I whisper yelled, losing my temper and griping onto the handle of the trolley until my knuckles were white.
Niall had tears dribbling down his cheeks but he didn't utter a sound. I felt so bad but at the same time he needs to learn that of he's bold, he'll get punished. Simple as.
I pushed the trolley forward a bit before stopping to pick up some rice and drop it into the large basket. It was only then that I noticed how pale Niall had become. Infact, he looked borderline green.
"You're quite pale buddy, are you feeling alright?" I asked, feeling his and almost cringing at how warm it was.My voice had softened since I last talked to him, I sounded like a different person if I'm honest. Anyone passing must think I'm bipolar or something.
"Daddy, I fee-" he was cut off by a rush of vomit, escaping his mouth and forming a thick blanket of bile on the floor of the aisle.
"That's it baby, leave it all out" I soothed as I rubbed his warm back, helplessly watching as he puked and listened as he retched from the confinement of his trolley seat.
I wanted to pick him up and cuddle him close so badly but while he was getting sick probably wasn't the best idea.
After holding Niall's blonde hair back for three long minutes I came to a conclusion and that was that 1. I needed to get this mess cleaned up as soon as possible. 2. Niall was going to need a bath when we got home, and 3. I was probably the worlds worst dad for not believing my son when he said he was ill.
As few second later my middle son burst into tears and put his hands up to be held, a heartbreaking sign that he was finished.
"shhh sunshine, you're ok. Daddy's so so sorry munchkin. Should've listened to you baby boy." I reassured him, peppering his little head with kisses and bouncing him softly so his belly wasn't jostled too much. My poor little boy.
"We'll clean this up and then we can go
straight home and have a big snuggle" I promised as an employee approached the aisle with a mop and a steaming bucket of water. She must've seen what happened over CCTV or something.
"Don't worry, I'll clean it, it was my child you shouldn't have to clean it" I smiled to the worker, Carol, so her name tag said anyway. She kind of reminded me of my nan. The same short, grey hair and soft expression that was so endearing.
"No sweetheart, I can see you have your hands full. I'm well used to a bit of sick. I had 6 children of my own and 3 grandchildren. You go make sure he's alright."
"I feel so bad, please let me do it." I begged but she was having none of it.
"No, no, you take care of this poor fella. I'll put your trolley in the back and you just come back later and ask for it back." She said with a smile as she began to mop the vile smelling substance from the floor. I honestly don't know how she's not gagging because any of the other customers who were brave enough to come this way all ended up gagging and I wasn't too far from it myself.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive Hon, now go, and make sure to give him some TLC" she chuckled as I took Harry's car seat from the trolley and gripped the handle tightly. Then I adjusted Niall on my hip while he buried his face deep into my neck, crying hoarsely.
"Thank you so so much!" I thanked before turning around and walking towards the door. Just as well I did because I wasn't outside 2 minutes and he began retching and throwing up again.

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