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Zayns POV

Niall has been colouring on the floor for a while, not being able to do too much with his arm covered in a white cast. He doesn't seem overly phased by it to be honest. Id expected him to be looking to take it off.
"Hey bud, still colouring?" I chirped walking into the living room.
"Yeah and i cowor with your favwite cowor papa!" He held up the light green crayon between his chubby fingers and showed me.
"Thats right buddy! Well done" and with that i high fived him and put my hands on his side, tickling him as he rolled around and let out peels of high pitched laughter.
"Papa stop!" He begged between breathes as his head went back as he giggled playfully.
"Alright, alright. Don't wanna make you sick love"
"We watch peppa today?" Niall asked as i settled him on my lap, breathing in his baby scent as he nuzzled into me. Its still not as strong as Harrys but it was definitely there.
"How about two episodes, then nap time and then another two?" His nap time was in less than a half an hour so if he could relax watching peppa he might go down easier.
"Otay....Hawwy watch too?" His big blue eyes looked up at me, as if he was pleading me to let Harry watch.
The truth is Lou will go crazy if i let him watch tv for more than an hour and Niall hasn't mastered the art of 'don't tell daddy' yet.
"We'll see, if he's awake we can bring him down and if not ill put him in his travel cot down here alright? He'll still be in the room and everything alright?" I compromised, hoping it would be another while til Lou came back from shopping with his sister.

After Niall went down for his nap i was going to clean up around the house but some high pitched cooes and gurgles distracted me.
"Hey baby!" He turned his head slightly to see who it was that was talking. He was starting to recognise sounds lately.
"C'mere little man" i cooed while lifting him up and carrying him over to the couch for some play time.
"Will i get your favourite cube bubs? Ey?" He loved his cube. Its was a soft spongy cube but the flaps made crinkly noises and basically any kind of noise you could make that was soft enough for a baby. Except for the squeaky horn, he wasn't a big fan of that.
"Now, when are you gonna give us a smile hazzy? Were all waiting to see those little dimples on full show, yes we are" his eyes were wide as he watched me ramble on and on about everything and anything for a while and even when i was playing with his cube he was more alert than usual which was a great sign.
Suddenly the front door flew open and Liam came in which was odd because he's usually out all day. He was just about to run up the stairs to his room when i interrupted.
"Woah, where are you going in such a rush mister?" Thats when he turned around, revealing his puffy red eyes and a few stray tear tracks lined his cheeks. Well this cant be good.
"Oh bud, come sit for a minute." I spoke softly, feeling bad for stopping him.
I cradled harry in the crook of my arm as Liam came and sat down next to us.
"Whats happened?"
"Papa, its nothing, ill be fine i- i just w-wanna be alone." He sniffled with a sigh.
"Ok,but dad and i are always here if you need to talk or anything alright?" With that i pulled him into my side with my spare arm and felt him wrap his arms are me, holding on tight as if i was gonna disappear.
Harry let out a few cooes and gurgles causing is both to giggle.
"Thanks haz" Liam replied regardless to the fact that Harry's gurgles mean nothing so far.
"We love you li" i whispered into his ear "so much more than you'll ever know"
"I love ye too papa"
"Alright, come to me whenever you feel ready to talk and ill listen"
"Im just gonna go to my room for a while." He croaked, tears evident on his voice as he stood up and dragged himself up the stairs.
This wasn't like Liam at all. Im sure he'll tell me soon, otherwise ill have to look into things.

Liams POV

What the hell was i thinking! They warned me hundreds of thousands of times and i still went and did it. How f*cking stupid can you get Liam!
I lay on my bed with my face hidden in my pillow, my own scent providing me with a sense of comfort but not enough to make the guilt go away.
It was her face. The way the tears welled up in her eyes and the way she cried into my neck, her while body shaking with devastated cries.
"Liam what are we gonna do?" She whimpered after a while.
I was still frozen with shock, my own eyes beginning to well up but i had to be strong for Sophia.
"Well were just gonna have to do what we can. We made this baby so were gonna have to take responsibility for it." I spoke lowly. My mouth ha dried out completely and i felt like my world was collapsing around me.
Were too young to have a baby. For god sake were both only 16. How are we meant to pull this off?
More importantly, how do we tell our parents? Mine warned me so much about making the same mistakes they did and how badly it affected their teen years, which i don't take personally at all. Its sophias parents I'm worried about. Their all about social status and all that so i don't wanna be the reason she gets kicked out.
Ugghh why Liam? You stupid arse hole.
Just as i was wiping m a fresh round of tears away dad came in, obviously having talked to papa.
"Oh li-li, its ok sweetie." He rushed over and engulfed me in a hug. I couldn't bring myself to do anything but start crying again, dad was just so comforting and it really didn't help that i was just gonna disappoint him whenever i pluck up the courage to tell him.
"Tell me whats happening in that head of yours" he hushed as i stayed wrapped up in his warm arms.
"Its ok, im fine." I mumbled tearfully, but it's so obvious thar I'm not.
"Liam talking makes it better" he encouraged softly, stroking my hair, like he used to do when i was a child.
When i got no answer he began guessing scenarios.
"You feeling sick?"
"Girl problems"
"If i say yes will you please stop?"
"Alright, ok ill stop. Promise you'll talk about it soon though" he demanded
"I will but not right now"i mumbled and he just pulled me closer.
"Wanna go watch toy story? Its all set up down stairs, Niall's up so we can all watch it together" dad suggested, earning a small nod in return as we got up and got ready to watch the movie.


Half way through the movie i looked down at harry snoozing peacefully against my chest, his little wrinkly hands curled into a fist as his eyelids fluttered.
Maybe being a father wont be so bad, i mean i get plenty of practice with Ni and Haz.
"Someone really likes you" papa whispered as he looked down at harry with a kind of love in his eyes that i only saw when he was looking at one of us or at dad.
I wonder if ill have that with our little guy or girl. Oh well, only 7 and a half more months til we find out. But for now no one needs to know.
It'll be me and Sophia's secret. As accidental as it was it'll still be as precious as a planned child.

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