Sleepy Saturdays

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Louis POV

Night time. My favourite time of the day.
A time when all of the kids were tucked up warmly in their beds, all snuggled up under the blankets with their soft pj's on and a comfort item tucked protectively under their arms as they drift off to dreamland where they would explore mysterious new lands and encounter millions of different people all without leaving the comfort of their beds.
It was also a time where Zayn and I could relax and get to unwind from the stress of a long day or simply just to talk for a while, maybe even reclaim ownership of the telly for an hour or two. A time to catch up on much needed sleep after a long day of constant stain, trying to entertain a hyper-active 2 year old and care for a defenseless 2 month old as well as supporting a teenage son and his pregnant girlfriend, who both still have two years of school left.
But not tonight.
Much like everyone else in the house, I was passed out in my bed with no intentions of waking for hours. All was as it should be... until a pained cry broke out from the cot beside our bed.
Zayn turned over onto his side, grunting loudy as he woke, before burying his head back into the pillow, trying to muffle the cries a bit.
"Lou, the baby" he rasped sleepily as he kept his eyes firmly closed.
" 'S your baby too"
"your closest"
"i dealt with his crying all evening"
"i've got work in the mornin' mate"
"i grew him"
"i provided some of what you needed to grow him"
"i carried him for seven months and pushed him out through my body, now get your fat arse out of this bed and get your son"
"fine" he drawled with a sigh before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and rubbing his deep brown eyes with his closed fist.
I lay with my eyes closed as the sound of Zayns feet padding across the timber floor echoed underneath Harry's unusually loud cries.
"heeeey, hello little mister, what's he matter eh?" Zayn cooed as he scooped up the screaming baby and held him close but his cries only seemed to get louder.
"Try a bottle" i grumbled, too tired to even peak at my husbands struggle to pacify our youngest boy. I'd spent all day trying to clean up in the attic room so Liam and Sophia could move up there and every ounce of energy has been drained from my body.
Without a word, i heard Zayn open the bedroom door and go down the stairs. I could still hear Harry's screams from the opposite end of the house which surprised me a bit but Zayn should have this all under control.


"Lou... Louis" a voice travelled through the darkened room as i slowly awoke from my slumber.
"G'way m'tired" i mumbled, burying my head in the pillow some more.
"No, i just got him to drink the bottle, you're takin' him as soon as he's done, I'm wrecked!"
"You only had him 2 minutes"
"2 minutes? More like 4 hours! Its 6am Louis!"
Thats when i opened my eyes and shot up into a sitting position. "4 hours!"
"yea Lou, 4 hours of screaming and crying, poor things not feeling too well" Zayn explained in a hushed tone, still sitting on the side of the bed feeding our baby boy.
The poor baby looked really pale and small with his blue blanket draped over him, his light eyebrows furrowed as he drew mouthful after mouthful from the plastic nipple.
"Sorry zi, must've slept through it" i apologised, running a hand over my face. How did i not wake up while he was screaming? Poor boy.
"Its alright, just take him back as soon as he's done." His voice was hoarse and rough as he spoke. He was clearly beyond tired.
As soon as harry finished the bottle i took him from Zayn, burped him and cooed to him gently before realising that he had fallen asleep on my shoulder... Just like his papa.
I settled him down on my chest and pulled the covers up to Harry's tiny little shoulders as he sighed in content around his red dummy before i places a light kiss on his wispy curls.
His father was cuddled up against my right shoulder, having lost the fight to stay awake.
Once the three of us were all cozy and warm i decided to nod off for a while too. Who knows what kind of a day i'll have if harry continues the way he was for the last few hours.


By lunchtime i was once again strolling around the house with harry crying in my arms as i bounced him gently to try and soothe him but with no such luck.
"C'mon bugaboo, what the matter huh? Your little tummy must be giving you a very hard time" i cooed as he nuzzled his head into my neck. It was only then i realised how hot he was. Definitely a fever.
"Zayn?" I shouted over the crying.
"Yeah?" He answered coming into the kitchen, sighing as he took in Harry's distraught state.
"Will you please go get something for fevers? He's on fire poor little thing"
"Ok, ill take Liam with me just incase the pharmacist gives instructions or whatever."
"Thanks zee, you're the best" i sighed in exhaustion as i kissed his rough cheek, his five o clock shadow making a comeback.
"Be back soon. Hang in there Hazzy" Zayn soothed as he kissed harry on his forehead and took his jacket from the coat hook and his keys from the countertop before leaving with Liam following behind him, carrying his own list of things that were requested by sophia.
Things were fine for a few minutes, just bouncing the 2 month old slowly as he screamed and cried in pain, even refusing his dummy and bottle which was very odd. Usually he'd take his dummy at the very least.
"Sshhh its ok, its alright darlin'" i soothed as i strolled around the kitchen with him for a minute or two, rubbing circles in his tiny sweaty back.
It was only when i heard him begin to retch i pulled him from my chest and held him facing forward on my lap, so i could pat his back.
"Thats it harry, just leave it all out bubba" i said softly as he began to throw up all over the kitchen tiles.
My poor baby boys first time being sick.
As i was patting his back, helping his bring up whatever was in his little tummy, i could hear little footsteps making their way down the stairs. What great timing that child has.
"Daddy i-"
"Niall not now, Harry's being sick" i said a lot harsher than i meant but before i could apologise he was making his way back upstairs.
Hopefully he'll stay there for a while, just until i can get harry and the floor cleaned up. Niall isn't great with vomit and his poor stomach would flip if he so much as smelt it.
I was brought promptly out of my thoughts by the sound of vomit splashing off the floor followed by loud wails and retching noises. Its going to be a long evening.

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