It's hard work being a baby

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Louis POV

"Niall, where did you leave your bunny?" I asked my toddler, getting down on my knees so we'd be at eye level.
"No daddy! Youre just gonna wash him in da machine!" He protested with his arms crossed and his bottom lip sticking out in a pout.
Its been ages since that bunny got a wash that it was actually turning grubby and dirty looking and was starting to smell a lot like sour milk mixed with that baby smell, but mainly sour milk.
"But bunny needs to be cleaned bubba, just like you and me and it'll make him really happy to be squeaky clean just like you. I'm sure that you want bunny to be happy don't you?" He tilted his head to the side in confusion, his little mind racing with all of this new information.
"I dwo, but daddy he might gwet scarwed!"
"How about, we put in one if his friends to keep him company?"
"Who daddy?"
"Mmm, your sheep teddy looks like it needs a wash"
"No! Sheeps no wike water!" He screamed as he ran to take the bunny from me just as Zayn happened to be strolling from the kitchen.
"Woah, whats all this about?" He asked, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Bunny's annual bath" i whispered so nail couldn't hear us.
"Well, you know Niall, me and Liam were gonna take Poppy down to the park for a while, but we need someone else who's smart to come and help us to teach Poppy how to do tricks. Do you know anyone who might be able to do that?" Oh, now thats a good one. Real smooth Zee.
Niall was looking up with wide eyes as his father began putting on his new navy jacket.
"I go! I hewlp!" He announced as he began jumping up and down in anticipation, something he only does if he's really excited.
"You sure? Your arms not hurtin' is it?"
"No. I go with you" he lisped as he ran and reached up, trying to get his coat down from the hanger.
"Here, ill get it" i smiled, getting his coat down and wrapping him up from head to toe in anything warm i could find.
"Watch your arm and be good for papa" i instructed, slowly getting up and going to the kitchen to get money for Zayn to get the boys something in the shop.
When Zayn walked out with Niall in tow i slyly passed him the money and lean up to kiss his cheek for the first time in days.
"Thanks for takin' him for a bit Zee, gives me a chance to catch up on a lot." I whispered as he wrapped his warm arms around me and guided my head to his shoulder.
"No problem Lou, I'm just glad were not fighting anymore." And with that he placed a kiss on my cheek and let go slowly preparing for their little outing.
I bend down to Niall's level, watching as his gorgeous blue eyes peeped out from under his oversized hat.
"You be a good boy love, and make sure you teach Poppy loads!" I kissed his cheek and listened to him ramble for a while before all three left, leaving just me and a sleeping harry in the house.
I went back into the utility room, bunny in hand, ready to get back to work.
I wish i didn't feel the way i do. I miss how Zayn and i used to get along. We were literally inseperable. As he used to say "nothing can come between you and i "
It wasn't until after Niall's bunny was washed and drying on the line, the bathroom cleaned and even the lunch almost ready, i decided it was time for Harry's 12:00 feed.
Im surprised he hasn't been crying for it already seen as he's quite fussy.
I quietly ascended the stairs and walked into Zayn's and i's room, where Harry had been sleeping for the last few weeks, and opened the door to reveal the brightly lit room, a messy bed and a cot complete with my youngest baby boy, all cuddled up and sleeping peacefully.
As i reached the side of his cot i couldn't help but take a minute to just stand and watch him.
His tiny, plump pink lips parted and his eyelids fluttering slightly as he dreamt. His cheeks were the rosiest pink I've ever seen them and his sparse coverage of hair beginning to curl slightly at the ends.
His little fists would clench and unclench every so often whenever he let out an odd snuffle or squeak.
His blue dummy lay beside him obviously having fallen out while he was sleeping.
I carefully reached in to lift him up and cuddle him closely between my chest and the crook of my elbow, the loss of heat causing him to whimper and whine as his little chubby legs kicked wildly and his arms flapped about uncontrollably.
"hey bubba, heeeyyy." I whispered in a babyish tone, a big smile put on to make him feel more comfortable. "Hows my baby boy, ey? Are you hungry? Yeah?"
And with that his eyes shot open, looking a little disgruntled and agitated as i bounced him soothingly.
"I know boo, how does some milk sound? Hmm?" I kissed his wrinkled forehead as his sweet baby scent hit my nose, making me inhale deeply.
"Should we go downstairs then harry? It'll be a bit comfier for us"
As i began to descend the stairs he began to fuss a bit more and i had to shift him up a bit so his head rested on my shoulder. His face nuzzled into my neck comfortably as he quietened down a little, inducing a wide smile on my face. Its funny how something so simple can make you so happy sometimes.
I grabbed the burp rag and a bib on my way to the sofa and sat down, getting lost in the plump cushions. The tv was softly playing some pointless chat show in the background. All in all the house was quiet and unusually calm.
I single-handedly took off my t-shirt, a skill i had mastered over the last few weeks, and brought Harry up a bit so he could suckle for a while, seen as we don't get to bond like this as often as id like.
I watched as he rooted around for his meal, whining a little whenever he would get close and lose track of what he was so desperately searching for.
I chuckled before moving him over the teeniest bit. As soon as he had found what he was looking for he latched on and began sucking eagerly, happily filling his tummy with warm milk, hands grasping the area of my chest that surrounded his mouth.
It was moments like these i wish we could share more often. I had plenty of time to spend with Liam when he was this small and even more to spend with Niall but i just don't seem to have time to breathe this time round, let alone bond with him the same way i bonded with the others.
His soft cheeks moved fluently as he gulped down the milk, revealing an adorable set of dimples. He probably got then from me but mine are really shallow whereas his are deep. I cant believe i didn't see that before.
It wasn't long until he pulled away, his tummy full and him wide awake.
"All done mr? Now, lets see if daddy can coax a burp out of you" i cooed, draping the burp rag over my shoulder and moving the baby up so his head lolled on my shoulder, one hand under his bum for support while the other went to rub soft circles into his back.
It didn't take long until a small burp broke from his tummy and he was good to go.
"Oh you are such a good boy" i cooed to him as he just gazed up at me.
"How about some tummy time? You could be a bit too small but it might work"
But the second he was lying on the carpet he just bawled. First i tried leaving him for a second while i put my t-shirt back on to see if he'd get used to it but no such luck. Then i tried cooing to him but he just cried louder and after that i tried rubbing his back and showing him toys and again he just kept crying hysterically. He didn't even want his dummy.
I had to pick him up after a few minutes before he cried himself sick. "Shhh, its ok love, you just weren't ready. Maybe in a few weeks" i murmured to him as his cries turned into sobs which eventually turned to hiccups and sniffles.
He let out an audible yawn as i bounced him gently. "I feel ya bud, a sleep would be nice wouldn't it? Its hard work being a baby, ey?"And within minutes both harry and i were cuddled close on the recliner, fire lighting and tv on.
"I love you baby" i hummed as he sucked on his dummy and played with fistfuls of my t-shirt, captivated by the soft cotton fabric.
It didn't take long before his eyelids fluttered closed, mine following closely behind. I guess we were both just exhausted by all the work we did today.

"Niall, leave daddy alone he's asleep" i heard Zayn whispered shout at what i presume is Niall.
"Its alright, im awake" i croaked from my spot on the couch, opening my eyes to find Niall standing with a bunch of bright yellow daffodils in front of me.
"Look daddy! I got dems fowr you!" He lisped excitedly.
"Theyre beautiful thanks baby!" I said excitedly but still keeping my voice down because of harry. "Would you like to come up here and have a big family cuddle?"
He didn't even need to think about it before he was climbing up on the couch and burrowing into the side that wasn't occupied by harry.
"I missed you and Li while ye were gone." I hummed, placing a kiss on his dirty blonde hair.
"We only go fowr a lickle while daddy" he comforted, his baby talk making me laugh.
He was just too cute at times and he didn't even realise it.
"Busy day?" Zayn questioned, strolling into the room with some more sticks for the fire, Liam close behind with Niall's freshly laundered bunny, handing it to Niall.
"You have no idea. Turns out tummy time isn't an option at the moment" i replied earning a giggle from Zayn.
"I tried yesterday after work as well but he just hates it doesn't he?"
"Give him a while and he'll be ok... So Liam, hows Sophia?"
"Oh, you know, shes fine." Something about his answer didn't seem very genuine though, he refused to make direct eye contact and he was a bit hesitant. They're probably just having a rough patch after all, he was upset about 'girl problems' during the week.
"Well thats good." Sometimes i wonder about that child...
"I might head down to visit Doniya later if you wanna come along?" Zayn suggested and honestly its been a while since i last saw Doniya.
"Should we take the kids too?" I asked, hoping for a yes. I felt bad dumping them on zayns mum.
"Of course, Don warned me she wants to see her newest nephew"
"Great, we'll go after lunch so"
And that we did. Doniya was head over heels for harry as was Liam with Doniyas homemade lasagne that she fed us for dinner. As for Niall, he wad just glad to show off his baby brother and tell Doniya every detail about his new puppy Poppy.
But Doniya didn't really mind, she was used to his little stories by now and honestly, she loved hearing them from
Niall because she was guaranteed a good laugh.

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