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Louis POV

It wasn't unusual to wake up to a messy haired, blonde toddler splayed across the bed in his second dream on nights where he woke up in the early hours of the morning. In fact, it was so much more common to find him straggling in since I came back from my week in mums a while back.
This morning was one of those mornings. Harry has had a bit of a rough night last night so Zayn tended to him while I slept off my tiredness after the wedding and then the day after party and what not. I reckon I was still slightly hungover before going to sleep last night but what can you do? It was self inflicted, no one forced me to drink, so I'll have to pay the price.
It was a shock to roll over and find a sweaty, red-faced Niall practically stuck to me but even more of a shock to find the rest of the bed empty, completely unoccupied, with the exception of a discarded bib.
Niall began to stir beside me, tossing and turning over and back and rubbing his eyes with his small enclosed fists before his eyes popped open, a replica of mine staring back at me, in confusion.
"Well good morning to you, baby" I said softly as he grunted softly and took in his surroundings. Niall never was one to wake up immediately. He always needed a while to come around after a sleep since the day he was born which Zayn and I found unusual because Liam was pretty much a get up and go kind of child.
"Daddy" he mumbled as he cuddled up in my arms while I engulfed him in a bear hug under the covers.
"Did you have a nice sleep?" I hummed into his jostled hair as he stretched out in my embrace.
"I had a dweam about swimming with the Dolphins and we goed to the park and we pwayed with poppy and her ball." He lisped groggily.
"Oh wow, sounds like you had fun while you were sleeping" I chuckled as he played mindlessly with my fingers.
"You, Harry and papa are going to have a boys day today, buddy" I yawned, trying to convince myself to get out of bed. Why is it that bed is so much more cozier in the morning than at night?
"Yaaayyy" Niall cheered, coming to life once again as he shot up out of bed and started running around excitedly.
As far as I now, Liam wanted to get the babies room painted and cram a bit of study in as well today so maybe I'll ask Zayn to help him paint. Study is more important at the moment so it'll give him some more time for that.
He picked out a gorgeous, gender neutral, lemon colour in the hardware shop in town yesterday while Sophia went for a tea with her sister and he was all proud of himself for not spoiling the surprise for Soph. He was walking around as proud as punch for ages to a point where it actually got annoying.
I braced myself as I flung the covers off my warm body and was met with a cold front of air, making goosebumps rise over every inch of my body. Maybe sleeping in only shorts wasn't the best idea.
I ran to the walk in wardrobe and took my favorite pair of three quarter length jeans and a cotton t-shirt as well as a cardigan that I could leave open. It is June after all, a hoodie shouldn't be necessary, but this is England. A hoodie is always necessary.


The kitchen was empty when I finally got down, with the exception of Sophia sitting up at the countertop, eating toast with garlic mayo spread all over it. Pregnancy cravings are literally the most disgusting things ever.
"G'morning love, are you ready for our little trip?" I smiled as Sophia smiled back at me "born ready" she chuckled as she took her plate and put it into the dishwasher. That was the difference between living with boys and girls. Girls tidied up after them but the boys just didn't. Liam wouldn't even think of doing that. But then again, Liam wouldn't think of using a plate.
"I'll just grab a bite to eat and we'll be off"
The house was awfully quiet for a moment. Too quiet. Almost as though someone was missing.
"Have you seen Zayn and haz? I haven't seen them all morning" I asked I cracked an egg into the frying pan and listened to it sizzle and splatter seductively in the pan. My mouth watered just thinking about eating it with a nice slice of lightly browned toast.
"I heard Zayn in Niall's room at like, 5 am trying to calm Harry so maybe they stayed in there?" Sophia answered before taking a gulp of her orange juice.
"I'll go check as soon as this beauty is done cooking. I never wanted an egg so much in my life." soph giggled at my comment and goes on to tell me about how she can't wait for our "retail therapy" day out and about in London. I'm glad shes so excited if I'm honest. I know it's still early days yet but maybe, just maybe, she might just be my daughter in law some day, but until then, ill just have to spoil her and my little grand-baby rotten.
My highly anticipated egg was devoured in a matter of minutes much to my dismay. All good things come to an end but I was hoping that egg might just be an exception to that saying but obviously not. It's an egg not a superhero.
I then jogged up the stairs and took my black vans from the corner of me and Zayns room and slipped them on over my bare feet. (Socks never were my thing.)
I found myself standing outside Niall's room a few seconds later, turning the door handle painfully slowly in order to prevent either of the boys waking up. The last thing zayn needed right now was a grouchy four month old and a sleepless night.
As I peeped over the mountain of blankets surrounding them and creating a cozy nest, a familiar dark mop of hair caught my eye, an almost identical head of hair bringing to grow on his sons tiny head. Our first dark haired baby. it's a shame all three boys didn't get as many traits from the maliks as they did from the tomlinsons. Obviously my traits were dominant seen as they all look more like me or my sisters. I was really hoping for a mini zayn but  mini-me's are pretty perfect too.
I leaned over and left a light kiss on my husbands warm forehead as his eyelashes fluttered softly from the action but thankfully he remained asleep.
Harry let out a quiet whimper from his spot against Zayns shoulder but that was soon sorted when I picked up his dummy and slid it in through his open lips, laughing quietly as it bobbed up and down eagerly, the dummy taking over the majority of his little cheeks and completely covering his little-kitten mouth.
"Daddy loves you soo so much my angel. Make sure you take care for yo-ur papa today alright?" I whispered with a breathy chuckle before kissing his soft, baby scented forehead and walking back out to the hall, gently closing the door behind me.

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