Small steps

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Zayns POV

"You're not going anywhere until you have at least two more spoonfuls, and that goes for you too Niall! Two more spoons and you're free" I nagged as Louis and Niall stared at me blankly neither of them even attempting to follow my instructions.
"Zaynnnnnnn.... My tooth hurrrttss.." Louis whined helplessly as he batted his long eyelashes and gave me some serious puppy dog eyes with a suddenly compliant following suit.
A short laugh escaped my mouth as Niall's eyebrows furrowed "I don't know which one of you is the real three year old at the moment! No wonder he's so stubborn Lou, he's just like you!"
Louis just glared in response. Not a malicious glare but more of an 'I'll get you back for this' kind of glare.
"Two spoons.."
"You sound just like your mother" Louis mumbled under his breathe as he lifted the spoon up to his plump pink lips and drank the soup from his spoon but Niall didn't even flinch. He has absolutely no intentions of touching his mashed potatoe anymore. Out if the corner of my eye I could see Louis grimace. His abscess must've been burned by the soup. He's gonna freaking kill me later.
"Ok Lou, one more and you can go but Niall will still be at the table until he eats up" I tried to coax but that boy was having none of it.
"My tooth sowre too papa" he tried, and quite convincingly too might I add, but he'd eaten just about everything else this morning which is a clear sign that he's perfectly fine! That and he didn't even have the tooth that was apparently sore yet.
"Aww you poor thing! Maybe we should just wrap you up in a big fluffy blankie and give you lots of that pink medicine and have no dessert and go to the dentist.."
"NOOOOO" and just like that he shovelled the two spoons into his mouth faster than you could say "mashed potatoes"
"Thought so. Now, you can go play" I lifted him down from his blue booster seat at the table. As soon as his feet touched the tiles he scuttled off in search of his bunny teddy.
"And as for you mr... You deserve to be punished" I said with a wink, earning a raised eyebrow from the sass master himself.
"Punished? Isn't being married to you punishment enough?"
"Oi! You watch it or you'll find yourself going back to the soup Louis Tomlinson ya hear me?" I chuckled as Lou just cracked a cheeky but flirtatious smile.
"You know I'm joking. It was only a punishment for the first 5 years. Now it's more of a dull ache in the pain that is life."
"Louis, now you're punishing me. I was trying to be seductive ya know?"
"We'll seduction and parenthood are like chalk and cheese zee. But try again tonight. You might just get lucky" he said with a cheeky wink as he walked over to the sink and left his almost full bowl on the draining board before walking off into the living room to try and track Niall down which was often mission impossible.
That man truly never Seizes to amaze me.


Liam's POV

"Dad? I need help!" I shouted down the stairs as Gemma wailed miserably in my ear.
"Come down here, I'm trying to feed haz" he replied tiredly
I trudged down the stairs as she continued to cry loudly while I tried desperately to comfort her because this was meant to be Sophia's 'day off'. She was meant to go hang out with some friends or go meet up with her sister or do some gardening or whatever girls do and im not about to ruin that because of a few tears.
"I can't figure out why she's crying dad and I've tried everything I can think of! Maybe she has colic? Oh my gosh my poor baby has-"
"Hypochondriac much li? She probably just needs a change or something. Now calm yourself! You're stress will only make her stress even worse than it already is." He advised as he kept on feeding Harry some mushy, gooey, semi-liquid brown stuff that I honestly wouldn't even let poppy eat. It smells like crap aswell.
Gemma began to cry louder than before, snapping me out of my daze. "The problems not with her lungs anyway" dad commented as Harry finished the last spoon, the majority of the disgusting gloop falling down his chin and onto his bib but I really don't blame him. I mean, I wouldn't put that in my mouth for £1 million.
"Alright, hand her over. Grandad's gonna try his special hugs for his special little girl"
She wailed as I handed her over clearly not happy to be away from her daddy but once she realised her grandad was holding her she settled back down to normal cries which I class as progress.
Dad casually unwrapped her blanket from around her body and draped it over his opposite shoulder while humming "there we go" softly under his breath.
"She seems a little too warm. No wonder she was so upset! Poor baby was probably sizzling in there." He cooed down to her as her cries died down to whimpers which then faded into hiccups and whines but nothing compared to what was going on earlier.
I honestly have no idea what id do without my parents. They're probably the reason Gemma is still alive and not overheating or exploding with trapped wind or whatever else babies do.
I yawned quietly, listening to the soft whimpers coming from my little girl which almost seemed to harmonise with Harry's gobbledegook.
I kept my eyes closed and rubbed my hands over my face for a moment, feeling them sting uncomfortably behind my eyelids, probably from lack of sleep or something like that. But my moment was interrupted by a familiar mans voice.
"I think she wants her daddy back... She's gonna be a real ass-lick, that one" he chuckled as he passed my baby back over.
"At least we'll know she's going to be somewhat clever then, although, only children are usually quite spoilt anyway  so you know?"
"But will she be an only child? You'll be surprised what a difference 10 years can make to a person li! Don't count your eggs before they hatch. At the moment you don't want any more but wait until you're settled down and married and have like 3 dogs and a few goldfish. You'll want nothing more than another little baby to cuddle and feed and change and watch grow up"
"Alright..... I'm just gonna go sterilise a few bottles I suppose?" I awkwardly said as I strolled out to the kitchen with my baby girl cooing softly in my arms.
"You don't want brothers or sisters anyway baby. You're just enough for mummy and I and we love you to the moon and back. Yes we do!" I cooed as she smiles cutely, a recent skill that she developed while cuddling with her papa.
The next few minutes were spent with me just bobbing around the kitchen with a wide awake Gemma in my arms as she lay against my chest, leaving her fragile little fist grip onto my navy jack wills t-shirt as she nuzzles her rosy red cheek into the cotton rich material.
I gently kissed her head and tried to settle her down into her bouncer but she was having none of it. Her legs were going crazy as she whined and cried and just generally refused to be set down.
"Hey! What's up little missy?" I soothed as she just continued to sob, leaving me no choice but it pick her up and soothe her.
There was no way I'd be able to sterilise bottles while holding her and keeping her entertained so I stood and swayed with the baby for a few minutes until she calmed down before walking into the living room and handing her over to dad.
"Can you watch her please? She's being a bit fussy this morning."
"Okey dokey. I'll take them for a walk to the park, they need to get out a bit."
"Yup, have fun, her jackets u-"
"I know where it is li. I kind of live here too ya know?" Dad smiled as he bounced my girl on his knee while Harry, who was growing jealous, began to whine and squirm.
All of a sudden he just pushed himself forward and started crawling shakily over to his daddy which left dad and I absolutely speechless.
"ZAYN GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!" Dad shouted as he quickly handed Gemma back to me before kneeling down on the floor.
"That's it bubba! You're almost there!"
After a loud clatter and a few muffled swear words papa hopped in holding his big toe.
"Lou wha- oh my god he's doing it! He's actually moving!" He exclaimed like a kid in a sweet shop, being as Harry tried miserably to get to his dad's.
"Cmon haz! Look what papa has!" His favourite dummy was dangling just over dads head which, of course, only made him pick up the pace and practically fall over himself while trying to navigate his four wobbly limbs.
"That's my boy! C'mon!" Dad whispered with tears in his eyes. I used to think he was made of stone but it seems the older I get the more he cries over everything.. Especially the movie Marley and me..
Once Harry finally reached his daddies he was scooped up into the biggest hug imaginable by both dad and papa which made me wonder how the boy is still alive and not smothered to death but his speciality seemed to be surprising us anyway so I'll just put it down to that.
"Take note of that gem. Your next pumpkin" I chuckled as she just blinked up at me tiredly. Something tells me she's gonna be crawling around with Harry sooner than we all think.

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