Escape from the City and Follow the Sun

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Louis POV

Harry lay sleepily with against my shoulder, his pudgy belly full from his feed just two seconds prior. I could feel his slow, even breathes against my neck as he drifted off to sleep but of course not without his usual little gurgles and coos.
The smell of baby and talcum powder from him was divine. A smell that could only be described as baby, and was impossible to dislike. Im almost sure that when i put him back down the soft scent will linger on my t-shirt for a couple of hours but honestly, a smell like that is better than any deodorant money can buy. Its the smell of a dad.
"Are you sure you can handle both of them until nana Trish comes over? If you cant it doesn't matter, we can stay home for a bit longer." I spoke rapidly, trying to hide the reluctance in my voice.
Its not like i don't trust Liam or anything but i honestly don't want to leave my two babies. Especially not when everything is still coming together.
"Yeah dad, we'll be fine. You go enjoy yourself." He replied nonchalantly, before walking towards me and allowing me to slowly passes harry over to his arms.
At first the boy whimpered and wriggled around a little but as soon as he recognized his brothers voice he went straight back to sleep.
"Ok, so dummy's, bottles, formula, anything you'll need for feeding them is up in the cupboard over the hob, remember harry cant have cows milk, nappys etc. are-"
"Dad, i know where everything is. I live here. You just go off and have a good weekend." Liam giggled as i blew out a breathe of air i didn't know i was holding.
"Alright fine, we'll head off so. Just make sure to include Niall. The poor boy has been feeling left out lately and i feel really bad for him."
"Don't worry, ill make sure he's included in everything. Now go have fun! Its been ages since you two went away for a few nights." He chuckled as he sat down on the couch, swaddling harry in his usual blue blanket that he loved so much.
"Great, thanks Li, talk to you soon" Zayn said,walking into the living room and kissing Liam on the cheek quickly before grasping my hand and attempting to pull me out the door with him.
"Bye! I love you all!" I shouted just before the door shut with a sense of finality.
"So... If you wanna get in the car we can start our journey.." Zayn sassed, earning him a playful slap in the arm.
"Take me somewhere nice, Malik" and with a chuckle we both sat into the car, letting the strong smell of air freshener wash over us as we took off along the road.
However, the further we got from the house the further i felt my heart sink.
Maybe the feeling will come to pass? Let me rephrase that, I'm praying the feeling will come to pass.


Zayn's POV

As i pulled up into the small countryside cottage i had booked for the weekend i glanced at my husband who was fast asleep, curled as small as he could get in the passenger seat with his knees tucked up under his chin, or at least attempting to.
His feathery brown hair was ruffled with sleep and his face flushed from the heat but he was just so content i couldn't wake him.
"I love you babe" i whispered softly,
pressing a light kiss to his apple shampoo scented hair, before opening the car door and taking the bags from the boot. I'll go inside and light the fire before i carry him in so it'll be warm for him. I know how much he hates the cold.
The keys were hidden in a blue flower pot around the side of the cottage so i retrieved them before opening the wooden door and stepping into the coziest looking living room i ever saw in my life.
The walls were decorated with scenic pictures and photographs but nothing more. There were two armchairs and one couch, all matching each other but at the same time they were all different. The tv was massive and was right over from the open fire place which really set off the whole room. It was perfect, like something out of one of those old fashioned movies but with a tv.
I carefully set down our suitcases and left the keys on the counter top, taking a moment to walk around and explore the open planned bungalow. Every room was filled with such amazing character. Im so glad i chose to come here. Its what Louis described as his dream house when we first got married but we knew we couldn't afford it at the time. We could barely afford a loaf of bread some days.
I quickly lit the fire and lay pillows on the couch before going back outside and carefully carrying Lou into the house and laying his travel weary body on the make shift bed id prepared. Even as i did so he remained fast asleep, occasionally muttering an incoherent word or too or even just shifting ever so slightly in my arms.
His face was so peaceful and angelic as he slept. You'd never guess he'd had a mental breakdown a few weeks ago just by looking at him. He's amazing and im so glad hes feeling a bit better with himself now and that he's learning to cope with everything. He's my rock, my constant and i know even when im at my worst that he'll be there cheering me on, just as i will for him.

The Malikson FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora