Important Prolouge

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Hello Readers, whom I love dearly with my whole heart!

In this story, they haven't met prior, so it's not like 'what would deku do' and 'I wanna be like deku!' I think having both characters mature without each other is kinda cool? I don't know you guys, lol, it's fan-fiction. I really wanted to make another story where Deku and Uraraka have a fresher start. I personally think that even though Uraraka is everything female protag should be, she can be a bit co-dependent on Midoriya. I'm no feminist, she's acknowledged this herself, aha.

Quick Tips while you're reading so this story makes more sense.

-UA's students are now third years and all third year students have their own apartments.

-I'm not up to date on the manga, so if you watched the most recent movie and season 5, the knowledge is up to that point, so no need to worry about spoilers. (Don't spoil me either, lol)

-Deku will not be s-s-s- stuttering with every word he says, because he's older (19) and less pubescent. That man rarely even STUTTERS, he MUTTERS. WRITERS PLEASE hear me when I say that.

-There will be a little blood every now and then, but I'm not going into gory detail. Even tho I'm a radiology tech student, I don't like all that stuff.

-If you like sex're not getting it. This is FLUFF, not LEMON. : ) I love Jesus. Jesus would not like that fa me or you my girly pop.

-The rest will make sense as you read.

Y'all who have been previously reading my stories are gonna hate me HAHA. I'm sorry if you were expecting Kacchaco. I'm just as surprised as you. Don't worry! Kacchaco is still my favorite MHA ship and this will probably be the one and only time I detour. Izuocha, however is like my second fav and I wanted to do a lil switch up. I was in a silly goofy mood.

-I hope you like it uwu <3

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