Chapter 28

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Y/n pov

I opened my eyes hearing ringing. I went to move to look but groaned.

I took a breathe and just wanted fo make sure of this.

I went to lift my legs and felt immense pain as I tried to lift my left up.

At least I'm not paralyzed.

I moved my arms and felt my left arm just hurt so badly.

My head throbbed and I couldn't move my neck without pain.

I took my hand and let go of something. I froze as I realized who was in the car with me.

"Anna Anna Anna... Bubba..." I started breathing heavily as I moved my head just so I could look around.

My back hurt so bad as I sat up and turned my head.

I saw Anna's head laying on the dashboard.

Blood runninha down her temple as blood ran down her arm. I saw bits of glass inside of it.

I started panicked and looked around in pain.

I saw a huge truck with people running up to it. I saw people run towards us as I looked farther.

I saw Carsons car sitting where we were.

With Carson knocked out.

I just stared at the car as someone ran up to my window.

"Hey hey lady." I look but groaned as I saw a guy looking at me and Anna.

He looked to be Thirty or forty.

I was on the verge of passing out again until he held my head in place.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Y/n... that's my wife Anna. Sh-shes pregnant..." I said between breathes. I felt so much pain as I heard sirens get closer to us.

"Hi Y/n. My name is Daniel. I'm gonna help you get out of here."

"Why?" I said as I thought firefighters or EMT people would get me out.

"Y/n not to alarm you but your car is on fire." I glanced away from Daniel and looked at the front of Anna's car.

Sure as shit my car was on fire.


I started breathing heavily and fast as I stared at the fire.

Daniel made me look at him and he smiled.

"CONNOR GET HER WIFE. BE CAREFUL SHE PREGNANT." I watched a guy that looked exactly like Daniel except with lighter brown hair run over to Anna's side.

I just sat there in shock as the twins I think cut me and Anna's seat belts.

I watched the EMTS run over and thank the twins.

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