We got downstairs to see the foster dad sat at the table with a smile on his face, in which Charlie gave him a sharp glare, a sharper one than usual.

"Did you find you doll baby?", He asked me with a smile, in which Charlie gripped my hand tighter and pulled me outside. We started to walk to the bus stop in which I pulled my hand from his and walked ahead of him quickly, but he still kept up because his legs were so long and I was so short compared to him. I was 4'6 and he was 5'10, which was pretty tall compared to me.

We got to the bus stop after a while and we waited for the bus to come, the timetable said it would be there in about twenty minutes or so. I sat for a while, just swinging my legs waiting for the bus to come whilst Charlie was on the phone to his friend, a girl I think because he kept blushing. I just hugged Ark and stared into space.

"Hey there", Someone said next to me, causing me to jump in surprise. I turned to see a man about thirty just sat waiting for the bus, smiling at Ark. He went to go pet him but I moved him away quickly and tucked him into my arms. He had yellow teeth which were crooked at the front, as well as a really strong smell of alcohol and dark eyes.

Eyes which I would never trust.

"Is that your brother?", He asked, pointing towards Charlie who was still on the phone to someone, ignoring me. I just looked where he pointed, trying to get Charlie's attention but he didn't notice me, in which I sighed and then looked back at the old man and nodded slowly, clutching onto Arktos tightly. 

He just smiled at me, making me want to move back further and further into my seat. 

"What's your name?", He asked me, edging towards me more and more, to most people it wasn't something that you would notice, giving the fact he was going very slow, but I've been told I am very observant for a ten year old so I knew what he was now trying to do.

He went to put his hand onto mine, not before I screamed loudly, causing him to panic with his eyes wide open, as well as other people on the street to look sharply in my direction. Charlie then turned to us and clenched his fists towards the old man. The man just got up and legged it away from us as Charlie chased him a little before giving up. He then ran back to me and put his hands on my knees making sure I was alright.

"Are you okay?", He asked with concern, checking me over and kissing me on the cheek whilst I gave him a straight face.

"How was your phone call?", I asked him bluntly, making him sigh and pull me into a hug, which I didn't reciprocate, in which he noticed this and he hugged me tighter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should of been paying attention more, sorry Sam", He said full of concern and sincerity. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him which caused him to sigh and I could practically see his smiling.

"It's alright, but is she pretty?", I asked him, causing him to stop holding me and pulled me out of his embrace. He then went bright red and scratched his kneck as I raised my eyebrows at him. He just shook his head.

"Your too young for that stuff munchkin", He said to me with a smile and patting my hand. You see, I normally detest physical contact, infact, in school whenever someone or a teacher would go to hold my hand or touch my shoulder, I would normally scream and freak out, getting as far away from them as possible.

It was just natural for me to be like that, whenever people touched me, it was like something was in my throat and I was burning inside, with my arms fighting not to punch them right in the face.

"Sure sure", I said with sass, as he rolled his eyes. The bus then pulled up infront of us and he smiled at me. He picked me up with one arm and my backpack with the other. We had free bus passes because of our age and because he was a student, which was great because it cost nothing to go to the museum, except for when we normally donate so they can build more stuff for me to see.

"Lets go then chick", He said grinning at me as I smiled and practically jumped whilst still in his arms. He just laughed and we got onto the bus, with me sitting next to the window so I can count the cars as it goes and check their colours.

One blue car is a good day, two blue cars is a great day, and more than that are the best types of days. Twenty black cars is a bad day, and thirty is a really bad day. I had a feeling though that it was going to be a really bad day today.

I heard giggling behind me in which I turn to see two teenage girls staring at Charlie and nudging eachother whilst whispering. I turn to Charlie who was busy texting on hs phone, not really paying much attention to them. I look him up and down to see what the big deal was, but got nothing. I just shrugged to myself and turned back to look out of the window.

An hour drive and 43 black cars later, I knew for a fact that today was going to be a very bad day.


Updated! Sorry it took so long but exams are driving me crazy lol!

Anyway, the brothers should be in the next chapter! Just watching Home Alone now and we just put the tree up ready for december!

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