Chapter Thirty: Miss Out There

Start from the beginning

"Me too Miss Lola." I said standing up in my mint green pantsuit and my white corset vest. I turned to leave and I stopped and smiled down at the ground before turning back to Miss Lola.

"Tell Mr. Cattaneo that he doesn't need to pay for my therapy anymore, I can do so myself now." I said to her and she nodded and I left.

I pulled my phone out and returned the money I borrowed from Atticus right into his account. I took a deep breath out and jumped into my car, yes my car! I'm so proud of myself.

I drove home and hopped out of my car and closed the door gently. I had money but come on, I still had to take care of my baby. I turned the keys to my apartment and inhaled the fresh scent of independence.
I threw my bag in a chair and went to the fridge to take out some pasta.
I placed it in the microwave and danced around a bit.

"You're happy, May I know the reason." I heard his voice and I turned to him pointing the fork at him.

"Why are you not at work?" I said in a make believe stern voice.

"Oh, boss-I'm terribly sorry, please don't fire me." He said pleading and walking over to me. I wrapped my hands around him and he looked down at me.

"Hello Louisa."

"Hello Nathan." I said before he give me a peck on the lips. It was still weird having another man's lips touch mine other than Atticus but it was reality.

"Pasta this evening? You must be really happy." He said knowing I love pasta. Nathan was good for me, not in an Atticus way, it can never be that good, but he was good.

When I walked out of Atticus's house and life it made me realize how strong my feelings were for him and I had to pull away because I know he didn't feel the same way about me. So I just shoved those feelings somewhere else and brought new feelings out for Nathan, so why did I still compare Nathan to Atticus?

"Yes, I feel happy to be where I am today." I said giving his cheek a kiss and going to sit down to eat.

"Mateo and I are going out tonight, is that okay with you?" He asked heading for his coat.

"Yes sure no problem."

"You're the best Stone!" He said screaming and I rolled my eyes because he had some things he did like my brother, for example yell my name as if I was a wrestler.
He closed the door easy behind him and I heard his car pull off.
I plopped myself down on the couch and was about to put the tv on but Miss Lola and her good sessions got to me.

"Maybe I should ask to see Alister for the holiday." I said out loud looking at my phone.

"Hi, good evening." I said in the text message waiting for Atticus to respond.

"Louisa." My phone pinged and his name popped up, I can almost hear him saying it. I inhaled sharply before exhaling calmly.

"How are you? I'm texting to get on to Alister." I said getting to the point quickly.

"Would you like to have lunch?" He said.

"With Alister." He continued assuring me that this wasn't a date between him and I.

"I'd like that very much." I said. I didn't eat my pasta as yet so I guess I didn't have the appetite for it anymore.
I got my purse up and walked out of my apartment before locking it. I walked to my car and drove off to the location he sent.

I arrived at the beautiful café and hopped out into an ecstatic aroma of coffee and donuts, now I'm hungry for something else. I closed my car door and walked into the café. I turned to the right and at the far corner, I was met with Atticus's back.

"Louisa!" Alister screamed before getting up and running over to me. I stooped at his level and embraced him in a warm hug. It was amazing, I missed this kid.

"Oh Alister,you have gotten so big these past weeks, what are they feeding you." I said in a monster voice kissing his cheek.

"Vegetables." He said in disgust and I chuckled.

"Let's go sit." I said and walked over to the table where Atticus was. My focus moved from Alister and it was firm on Atticus's longing gaze.

He watched me with hungry eyes I know too well. I sat down and he admired me as if he was invisible.

"Hello." I said with a soft smile.

"Mon Amour." He said smiling at me, but it was a friendly smile.

"I just wanted to see Alister before the holidays started."

"That's no problem, you have all rights to." He said blandly not pushing the conversation. Okay.

"How have you been?"-

"You returned the money that you borrowed, why?" He said abruptly taking me by surprise.

"I told you I would have returned it when I can."

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to, I owe that to you." I said and he shook his head.

"You look stunning."

"And you-fascinating." I said complimenting his looks, his beard was a bit thicker but well kept, he had bags around his eyes but I guess all hard working men have that.

"I'm going to the restroom daddy." Alister said and Atticus nodded.

"How's-how's your daughter?" I asked him.

"She's- to be honest I don't know she hardly speaks to me."

"Well girls are stubborn sometimes, give her time." I told him and he smiled.

"And your wife?" I asked him and he just nodded making an awkward silence wash over us.

"So it's just you and Mateo conquering the management business."

"And Nathan." I said that a bit quietly but it did not go unnoticed by him.

"And who?" He said and I cleared my throat and held my head up high.

"My boyfriend-Nathan." I said more confidently and I saw him bite the inside of his jaw, he did it so hard his jawline looked as if it got sharper.

"That's-that's nice." He said forcing a smile. "Is he good to you."

"Yes-he's great." I said smiling thinking about him. Alister returned and Atticus sat back rubbing his hands together.

My phone rang and I saw Nathan's name flash on the phone and he saw it too. I answered and Nathan started speaking right away.

"Hey baby- I'll be home soon."

"Okay, I'm having lunch with a friend."

"Nice-nice." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Bye Lou."

"Bye Nathan." I said hanging up and the place was silent again.

"I want to meet like this again!"Alister said and I smiled.

"Me too!" I said to him before pinching his cheek. "Daddy will arrange it if he can." I said looking up at Atticus and that friendly look turned into the hungry one once more.

"Of course." Atticus said looking deep into my eyes.

"It was nice seeing you both." I said getting up and they both got up. We walked outside together and Alister got in the car.

"Bye Ali!" I said waving him off and he waved back.

"Good bye Atticus." I said and he turned to me and held both sides of my head.

"Why'd you cut it?"

"I wanted a look for the new me." I said confidently with my head between his hands and he chuckled.

"I love it." He said and that euphoric feeling came back. He kissed my forehead and pulled away from me and smiled before jumping into the car.

I got into my car and placed on the AC, because I was feeling flustered.
Oh my God, Atticus.

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