Stu x Reader (A Little More On The Stunt Side) *Request*

Start from the beginning

They ran off with muffed words, leaving (Y/N) standing alone and un familiar with their surroundings. They sighed with a huff as they brought a hand to their brow, rubbing their forehead gently.

"Okay... Now what am I supposed to do..?" They mumbled as they put their hands behind their back and looked around.

This place was massive, even for the large cars already there. People were working left and right, fixing up and polishing the vehicles to perfection.

(Y/N) walked around quietly, minding their own business as they looked at each vehicle they past. One however, caught their curious eye, making them gasp softly to themself.

There was one motorcycle that was quite the sight. It was a beautiful (favorite color) bike with all sorts of fantastic engravings carved into the plating.

The civilian couldn't help but to stare and approach as they took in the detail of the bike. "Woah... I've never seen something like this before.."

They ran their fingers ever so delicatly across the plating and looked at every piece of the bike, not quite sure what each part was for.

"Hmm... I wonder..." They pondered quietly as they brought their hands on the dark handles and felt its grip. It was comfortable and fit nicely in their palms, like it was made for them.

"Oh my god this is so cool.." They said with a soft smile as they chuckled to themself. God it felt so childish but (Y/N) was enjoying their solitude.

"Hehe..! I would love to ride this thing..." They said as they twisted the handles tightly in their hands. However, as soon as they moved the handles, the bike sprung to life with a loud vroom, making people look up with wide eyes.

The bike zoomed forward, dragging (Y/N) along with it. They widened their eyes and let out a terrified shriek as they held on for dear life.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" They zoomed past multiple people as they drove down the garage at a high speed, knocking into some boxes and canisters along the way.

"AIEEE!! SOMEONE STOP THAT BIKE!!" Lola screeched as she watched (Y/N) speed off, making people panic and realize who was really on the bike.

Among the chaos, a bot walked calmly through the garage, looking over some papers. "G-G-God, why is there so m-much on here?" His voice gliched as he looked up and widened his eye.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" (Y/N) shouted as the bot quickly moved before he could get hit. The loose bike shot out of the garage and onto the stadium floor, making the poor civilian scream louder.

The bot blinked several times until Lola's voice snapped him back into reality. "STU!! GET (Y/N) AND THAT BIKE!! IF EITHER OF THEM ARE DAMAGED, I'LL BE DEAD!!" She said as she covered her mouth in terror.

Stu looked over to the green celebrity and rolled his eye as he kicked out his leg. It quickly retracted into his body along with the other one, causing a tire to replace his lower body.

"I'm on i-i-i-it!" He stated as his body revved and sped into a quick speed within seconds. Dust shot from under Stu's tire as he hit the sandy ground of the set, narrowing his gaze from the wind.

His speed outmatched the bike, making the bot secretly grin as he drove up next to the loud human.

"You know, if you w-w-weren't screaming I would a-a-a-asume you were a biker~" He cooed loud enough for (Y/N) to hear, somewhat enjoying the fear.

(Y/N) snapped their head to the wheeled bot, subsiding their screeching for a mere second with a fire eye gaze. "STOP BEING A SMART ASS AND GET ME OFF THIS THING!"

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