374 19 1

TW : Parents Issues


I picked up my phone. "Hello ?"

"Hi Gabrielle it's me, it's dad."

I swallowed hard when I heard his voice. It had been a while since I heard it for the last time. Sarah immediately understood who it was and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I'm here baby girl." She whispered. I put the phone on loudspeaker for Sarah to hear the conversation.

"Soooo... How are you dad ?" I asked looking straight into Sarah's eyes because I was nearly crying of stress.

"I'm okay." He replied, without asking me back.

"Well, me too-" I said before being cut by him.

"Where are you ?" He asked.

"Uuuuummm, I'm in the new house of Sarah- I mean Ms Paulson, you know, the teacher you talked to when I was sick."

"When she was crazy." Someone corrected at the other end of the phone. I recognized the voice of my mom. They probably put me in loudspeaker as well.

"And where it is ?" Resumed my dad. I didn't want to answer that. I didn't want to give them the address of our home, I was scared of them coming here for no reason. I took again a deep breathe and squeezed Sarah's hand. She was still looking deep in my eyes, with a worried expression.

"Mom, dad, I want to take my stuff that are still in your house and bring them here."

I heard a silence.

"I'll be coming soon to grab my things and we'll talk if you want to, otherwise, I'll leave with my belongings and leave you finally alone."

Sarah was looking at me, choked I was able to say that. And I was so surprise too. I felt strong and ready to confront my parents.

"What about we come in two days ? It's the week-end and I'm sure you'll be home." I continued.

Suddenly, I heard a sound on the other end on the phone.

"We ?!" Asked violently my mom.

"Yes, Sarah is coming with me." I said assured.

"I don't want this woman in my house !" Yelled my mom.

And in an overconfidence, I replied "Well, you won't have the choice. See you in two days." And I hang up.

Sarah looked at me with bright eyes, and held both of my hands. "You were so brave sweetheart, I'm so proud of you." She pulled me in a hug and I hid my now scary face. I was going to affront my parents and even if a had a lot of courage two minutes ago, now the reality was hitting me hard and I realized it won't be easy to come and pack my things with my mom yelling at me and my dad not saying anything. But fortunately Sarah was going with me, so I won't be alone in this difficult moment.


Then two days passed and I found myself sleeping on the car. When I opened my eyes I saw Sarah driving and rain on the car windows. Sarah saw I woke up so she put her hand on my arm.

"You're okay baby girl ?"

"Yes, I think I slept a bit."

The trip was not very long but I had the time to sleep and we arrived thirty minutes later in front of my parents house. Sarah parked under the porch and I sighed.

"I don't know if I can do this." I said looking down at my lap.

"Yes you can. I'll be here with you the whole time, nothing bad can happen I promise." Sarah answered.

"Don't let go my hand." I asked shyly, grabbing her hand.

"I won't." She replied.

We stepped out of the car and we took bags in the car's trunk. We walked to the front door and Sarah looked at me.

"You want to knock or you want me to do it ?"

And without answering Sarah, I knocked three times. We heard steps getting closer and the door opened. I saw my dad, he looked at me and smiled slightly. My heart melted because he seemed happy to see me. He reached for my free hand and started talking.

"Gabrielle I miss you-" He said before someone shut him down. I heard my mom getting closer and she said "Um. You're here." She scanned my whole body and face up and down few times and winced. Then she turned to Sarah, and back to me.

"I told you not to bring her here."

I felt my throat burning. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to push her but I froze and Sarah noticed it, so she started talking.

"Well, now I'm here so could you please let us go inside, because it's raining and we don't want to flood your house. We'll be quick, just show us the way to Gabrielle's room and we'll leave." Said Sarah, very confidently. I looked up to meet her dark eyes. They were full of hope and anger at the same time, but she smiled at me and I felt suddenly better. I wasn't going to affront my parents alone.

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