753 31 9

TW - Eating-Disorder


I woke up feeling so much better. I wasn't weak anymore, but I noticed that Ms Paulson wasn't here anymore as well. I looked around me, and the bedroom had changed. No more posters on the wall and the widow was on the other side of my bed. The walls were painted in light blue and not the aggressive white of the previous bedroom. I felt disoriented at first so I stood up. I opened a first door which led to a small bathroom. I opened the second one and I ended up in a long and calm corridor.

Where were the others patients and all the nurses of the emergency room ? I asked to myself. I walked thought the corridor and I saw an open door, in which a girl was reading on an armchair. She was so skinny, even more skinny than me, and she had the same tube as I had. I continued my little discovery walk when a nurse saw me.

"Hey. Hey !" I turned around to face her. She came closer to me. "What are you doing in the corridor ?" She grabbed my wrist to read my name on the hospital bracelet. "Gabrielle Evans... You're new right ?"

"Yes, I guess... I slept a lot I don't really know since when I'm here and I can't find my teacher."

"Your teacher ?" she replied.

"Yes, I mean, the person who accompanies me here."

"Well, first let's go back to your room, and then I'll look up for her. What do you think about that ?"

I agreed and the nurse took me back to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and turned on the tv. It was boring and I couldn't focus on the program because I had this fear Ms Paulson had abandoned me.

When I started to stand up to go ask the nurse about Ms Paulson again, she entered the room.

"I'm right here honey." She pulled me in a hug and sat me on my bed.

"I was scared you leave me alone here." I said laying on my bed tears filled my eyes.

"No, no no no baby, I won't never leave you, I promise." She stroke my head. "I told you before, I'm here for you, I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled at her, wiping my tears. She then raised a bag, that I recognized. It was the one I used to transport my stuff between the dorm and my house.

"Where did you find it ??" I asked very surprised.

"I took it in your bedroom and your roommates helped me to filled it with your favorite clothes and possessions." She answered. Questions filled my head, but I didn't had the time to ask them, Ms Paulson spoke first.

"You're going to stay here a bit Gabrielle, so I took you belongings to make you comfortable. You see, that's your new bedroom." She said while opening the closet and starting to store my clothes inside. I looked around me, trying to realize that it was my new place to live for... I didn't know yet how many rime I would stay in the hospital so I asked Ms Paulson.

"Well, the doctors don't really know for now, it depends on your mental state, you know." She replied. "But listen, it is very calm here, and the room is big ! You can decorate it I think, we'll ask the doctors. You're not in the emergency room anymore, you're on the eating disorder floor. So that you can be treated as best as possible."

I was worry, but it made sense in my head. The calm in the corridor and the skinny girl reading in a room which looked just like mine. I little by little realized that I would have to eat to get out of here. And probably to stop each and every bad habits I had. I laid on my bed, reaching my hand to hold Ms Paulson's. She saw it, so she stopped storing my stuff and sat next to me, catching my hand. She looked right into my eyes but I was lost in my thoughts.

"What this little head of yours is thinking about ?" She asked me. I took my attention and I looked at her beautiful dark eyes, without answering.

"Tell me what's happening in your mind sweetheart, I can hear anything."

I once again didn't replied, but she didn't gave up.

"Well, tell me what you want to say, anything."

I smiled at her trying to help me. But if I spoke, I would have started to cry. So she took the lead.

"Okay, so I will do the talking." She said with a wink. "My name is Sarah, Sarah Paulson, and I'm an English teacher. I just arrived at your school and I didn't start my classes yet." I smiled still looking at her wonderful eyes. So she continued.

"I like teaching because I love helping young people." She squeezed my hand. "I hate seeing all these teenagers being so sad and bewildered about school. I want to make them enjoy learning, I want to make them want to wake up every morning."

I was listening very focused.

"And... Honestly, it's because I was like all these teenagers. I really, truly, didn't enjoy my school days." She looked down.

I frowned and started to be concerned.

"Why ?" I asked.

"Well, the tings you are going through... I've been through them too."  


Author's note

I will write about other mental health subject as SH soon, I just need to end the hospital part and make Sarah and Gabrielle closer.

Meet me again - (Sarah Paulson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora