35. Winner Winner

Start from the beginning

"This is fucking amazing." Dean moans shoving an entire potato in his mouth, "No he's right you have a talent, this is immediately ten times better than anything I've made for these guys." Sage shoves a piece of carrot in his mouth. "They're both right, you're a god!" Skylar's words are muffled from her fitting as much chicken as she can but none the less it's still cute. Universe I hope you heard that, I'm a God now.

"How did you learn to cook? Or why do you cook and bake because you should totally open up a restaurant or a bakery." Sage gets another drumstick. "I'm self-taught, my parents were very busy so I spent time with a lot of baby sitters but even then it was a lot of microwavable meals and throw in the oven meals or take out and as I got older when I didn't need baby sitters anymore I got tired of eating pizza rolls and frozen fish sticks so I started to watch Gordon Ramsey, Mary Berry, Bobby Flay, Ina Garten and even Guy Fieri and I learned that baking is my thing so I continued." I explain eating my own food.

"That's cool and sad at least you gained something from it but along with baking, is cooking not your thing because this roast chicken is so fucking good I don't think you understand I'm sure this wins awards." Sage keeps the conversation going which I'm grateful for. It's a real conversation not just something from the book 'How to keep a basic conversation with a teenager' that every family member seems to use.

"I love cooking, I do but it's easier to get my stress out easily with baking and the roast chicken thing. There's an episode from this Netflix show called 'YOU' and there's this thing that the main character said and it's 'You can know everything about a person based on their roast chicken.'" It's such a good show. "Are you going to be around forever because we need you for thanksgiving, last year Sage almost burnt the turkey." Dean downs a glass of water, "Hey! It's not my fault, I told you to put a fucking timer on." Sage again defends himself.

"What? You did not, you told me to tell Skylar to put on a timer!" He points the girl to my left and she drops her cutlery, "HEY! NO! You said to put a timer on for the mac and cheese, not the turkey and what did I say about cursing in front of her." She points at me, "What mac and cheese are you talking about?! WE WERE USING BOXED KRAFT MAC AND CHEESE!" Dean raises his voice, again not like he's mad.

Wait! Does she care if people cuss around me? Aww. "You guys used boxed mac and cheese?" I butt in and they all go quiet, that's a crime. I should have them arrested. "To be fair, SHE forgot to buy noodles and cheese." Dean points at Skylar and her face drops as she looks at me, "Please don't kill me, they gave me a bunch of things to get and I lost track!" Her hands clasp together like she's praying to me not to kill her, I squint my eyes and I lean closer to her.

"Please don't kill me." She whispers, "Your begging is cute so I won't kill you but I will have to teach you a thing or two." I lean back up finishing the last bite on my plate. "Yes ma'am." She sits straight up with her eyes wide. "Wow Bailey you really have her grabbed by the fucking throat, I like you but since we're all done can we please eat those cookies?" Dean looks at me and nods, another screech of chairs fill the room and I watch Dean and Skylar run into the kitchen cluttering their plates in the sink then shoving each other reaching for the rack of freshly baked goodness. I don't blame them. I do make good cookies.

"Okay you wild fucking animals move this over to the living room, you're scaring the girl." Sage shakes his head standing up with his plate and I follow letting the two energetic humans travel to the living room without another word. "I'm sorry about all the yelling and havoc that we cause, it's just how we are. I'm sure you live quite a different life." He says placing his things in the sink and I follow, "It's okay, I don't mind it at all and I prefer it over the sophisticated vibe that I live with." I tell him.

"We definitely don't survive in that kind of environment but uh thank you for dinner, we haven't had something like that in so long so sorry if you planned that there would be leftovers. We appreciate it and that leads me to, if you ever want to come over whether if it's with my little sister or not, you're welcome here and you can obviously use the kitchen to bake or cook, you'll use it more than us." He starts placing other things we used in the sink rinsing them off.

"Thank you, I'm glad you guys like my food I don't get to show people often what I make." I admit to him and he looks over his shoulder with his eyebrow raised. "Well, those people are missing out because we love your food and that actually brings me to another question." He stops the water then drys his hands. Oh this is serious, is this about Skylar and me?

"Mhm." I just sound not being able to get a word out. "Do you think you can make more cookies because I don't think they're going to last very long?" He asks and I internally sigh, "Oh, sure, yeah of course. I think we bought enough ingredients to make another batch or two." I look in their fridge counting the sticks of butter.

"And uh, I don't say this often but thank you again, this time for just sticking with my little sister. I know you two just have a deal and I don't know if this is included but I hope you stick with her a little longer. She's um- uh- she's um- glowing? I don't know if that's the term but she's brighter." He says slowly as if to make sure I heard every syllable. This means he approves of me. "I think it's more than just a deal." I simply say and he nods his head with one side of his lip tugging to his cheek.

"That's good to hear but you can go now, I think you can check how bad the damage is." He points out of the kitchen and I leave him in there with a smile on my face, he approves of me and he doesn't seem to mind that I'm a girl who has a liking towards his little sister, he honestly scared me a few hours ago when we just met.

"HEY! Beans, pick a movie or a game because Dean's ass can't make a decision and you make better choices than him and me." Skylar pops up on the couch and I move closer to them from the other side of the furniture looking around at their TV then their small hub of different playing consoles. "So? Did you make a choice?" She asks with a beaming smile for me. I'm definitely sticking around longer.

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