Vol. 3 Chapter 10 Panties

Start from the beginning

When Hirata used his own word to convince him, Yukimura couldn't say anything.

"But there is no need to be the boys, right?" Yamauchi pointed out. "It can be the girl too!"

Karuizawa Kei was the girl's leader. But her way to act could bother someone and made them hate her. In that case, this underwear stealing could be bullying.

But I didn't think the thing would be like this, because---

"Do you think there is some girl who dares to mess with Karuizawa?" Miyake noted. 

"Are you in the girl's side, Miyake?" Ike asked.

"No. I think neither we nor the girls will be a thief. Don't forget that there is a foreign among us."

"Mii-Chan? Hey, that's racist!"

"Not that foreign, idiot. I mean the foreign objects. That girl from class C----"

Every boy said in unison.


Yes. Ibuki Mio acted unobtrusive for four days. But we couldn't deny the fact that she was from class C.

But unexpectedly, Ike spoke out.

"It can't be Ibuki-San."

"Why?" Yamauchi raised his eyebrows.

"The tents have one door, right? Last night, when I peek at the girls' tent. I saw Ibuki-San was sleeping inside of the tents near Kushida-Chan. She is the farthest from the door. And Satsuki was nearest to the door. She is easy to wake up. So if Ibuki-San went outside of the tents, there was no way that Satsuki won't know."

He completely didn't realize how he called Shinohara.

Hirata nodded.

"It makes sense. Before you guys came out. I talked with the girls a little bit---"

He started explaining about the detail that I could conclude it like this:

4 August

19.00 p.m. The fish party started,

23.00 p.m. The fish party ended. Karuizawa went to the river to change her cloth. It was the last time she saw that underwear. Then, she put it into her bag.

23.30 a.m. Everyone went to sleep. No one came out until the morning.

23.45 a.m. Ike came out of the tent and peeked at the girls' tent.

5 August

05.30 Matsushita came out of the tent to go to the toilet. She came back five minutes later.

06.00 Everyone got up.

06.30 Karuizawa went to the river to bathe. When she looked at her bag, her underwear was gone.

Yukimura considered the timetable and shook his head.

"There is no chance to steal it between 23.00-23.30. Because there were many people sitting outside the tents. But after 23.30 a.m. There is only Ike and Matsushita who have a chance to steal her underwear." He analyzed.

Now, everyone turned their face of suspicion to Ike who denied immediately.

"I swear to the god! I'll never steal Karuizawa's panties! If I did, I beg heaven to kill me with thunder!!"

Suddenly, the thunder strikes the tree behind him. The sky roared.

Ike yelled and flinched. While the girls screamed with fear.

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