6. The Lollipop

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I must've pissed off the universe

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I must've pissed off the universe. Maybe I was bitchy to someone because being paired with Bast again feels like some twisted punishment delivered by Her Majesty the Karma. I'll have to put up with him for a year, and I can't do anything about it. If I complain, I'll look like a whiny child and not a smart, twenty-year-old woman.

Even though Bast doesn't think I'm smart. The sting from his words is still fresh as I lower myself into a chair, far from ready for my second Ethics class with Sebastian. We're supposed to get the first assignment we'll be working on today, which means scheduling study sessions.

A minute before the class starts, Sebastian appears in my peripheral vision. His minion is right behind him. He sits, and Elena rushes to occupy the seat by his side. My eyes roll on autopilot. There's nothing sadder than a woman who doesn't realize she isn't wanted, and Bast shows he doesn't give a damn about her with every gesture of his.

He angles his body away, making sure she can't touch him. He averts his gaze and doesn't even pretend to be interested in what she's saying. The urge to tell her to look for someone available who'd value her is strong, but their relationship is none of my business. She can't be that oblivious, can she?

Dr. Garcia starts the lecture on Ethical Objectivism, and I take notes, focused on the task. He never gives us info from textbooks, so listening to him makes studying later much easier.

At the end of the lecture, we receive a bunch of ethical problems to solve, and Dr. Garcia dismisses the class. I'm one of the first students to leave despite knowing I have to talk to Sebastian about our first study session. He knows where to find me.

It's when I'm at the end of the long hallway that I realize I left my notebook in the lecture hall. I pivot and run to get it. My name isn't on the cover, and I'd rather it didn't get lost.

Dr. Garcia's still there, standing behind the lectern. And Elena is next to him.

"Her lack of intelligence will interfere with his academic success," she says. "He's a straight-A student. Sebastian can't afford to fail the subject."

"Your concern is adorable." Dr. Garcia smirks. "Now, I'm afraid I need to get ready for my next class."

I dig my nails into my palms, and my heartbeat quickens. The nerve. Did Bast send Elena to talk to the professor on his behalf after his failed attempt at having a different partner last year? It sure as hell looks like it. He said I couldn't read and called me dumb not so long ago. Now I know he meant it. Too bad he didn't have the guts to talk to Dr. Garcia and coax him into pairing him up with his minion.

I survey the empty hall. My notebook isn't there, and I slip out of the room before Elena sees me.


I hug myself and halt, making several people dodge me.

Sebastian stands in front of me. I hate that I have to crane my neck to look at his face, even when I'm wearing heels.

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