1. Game On

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I tuck a loose curl behind Daisy's ear with one hand and dig in my purse with the other one

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I tuck a loose curl behind Daisy's ear with one hand and dig in my purse with the other one.

"Sweetie, he's not worth it."

Daisy keeps sniffling. Her cute little nose turns red, and I'm still searching for the tissues.

My keys, a tampon, a pen, and then...bingo!

"Here, take this." I pull a tissue out of the pack in my hand and give it to the crying girl next to me.

"It's pointless, Tara," she mutters, dabbing at her red eyes. "I'm making a huge effort, and he won't even notice."

A fresh teardrop falls on Daisy's cheek, and I wipe it off with my thumb. My gaze zeroes in on her long eyelashes. Many girls would kill to have them. Forget the extensions and the falsies—the girl can bat those lashes of hers, literally bat them, and guys would do whatever she wants.

The right guys. Not the jerk she's been trying to impress.

"Daisy," I say, placing a palm on her wet cheek to make her look at me. "You're making an effort for you. You'll look fabulous in your new pretty clothes for you. For you, not him. If he fails to notice how amazing you are, he's not worth it."

"I'm fat," Daisy cries.

I smooth a hand over her back. "You're beautiful, and you have to know your worth. He's just not your guy."

"Listen to Tara," Janet says, putting a glass of water on our table. "The girl knows damn well what she's doing. 'em boys will fall at your feet like those flies after a spritz of repellent. Look at me here. See the meat on these bones?"

Daisy looks at Janet and smiles. "You're pretty."

"Honey, I know, and so does my husband cause he's the right guy. That douche canoe you've been crying over isn't your guy." Janet notices a customer entering the coffee shop and winks at us. "Self-love, always."

"You'll look amazing in your new outfits," I tell Daisy when Janet saunters off to take her new customer's order. "Just remember that the dresses are for you. You have to wear them. Own them. It's you who owns the outfit, not the other way around."

Daisy downs her water and smiles. She has a beautiful smile and curly, shiny hair. What she doesn't have is confidence, but that might change with my help.

"Thank you, Tara."

I squeeze her hand gently. "Not at all."

"How much do I owe you for the coffee?"

"It's on me."

Daisy starts to thank me again, but I silence her, pulling her into a quick hug. "Send me a picture, okay? And tell me what your best friend thinks."

"Oh my God, she's gonna lose it." Daisy lets out a little squeal.

I smile at her enthusiasm and rise to my feet, snatching my purse from the back of my chair. "Have a nice day, Daisy."

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