5. The Reunion

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Elena lets out a moan and digs her fingertips into my biceps

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Elena lets out a moan and digs her fingertips into my biceps. My release follows hers while I still feel her heat.

Except I don't really feel. Sex is nothing but practiced, mindless motions melded together into an act that's supposed to be intimate. It's not. Not even close.

I lift myself off her and pull out. My gaze is glued to the gray rug covering my bedroom floor as I pad to the bathroom. Once I close the door behind me, I toss the used condom in the trash and open the faucet.

My pale face and red-rimmed eyes greet me from the mirror above the sink, which isn't surprising considering what I did all night. What I'd been doing every night for the last week.

I splash cold water on my face and wash my hands, hoping Elena would be dressed and ready to leave by the time I reenter the room.

I find her scrolling through her phone instead. She's in the same position, lying on her back, but a sheet covers her chest.

"Do you already know your schedule?" she asks.

I grab a pair of boxers from my dresser drawer and pull them up my legs. "No."

"My course load is insane, and I think we'll have a couple of classes together. I hope we're partners this year."

Being busy is nothing new for a premed student. We both are, so it's not like I need reminders. What I need is a hot shower and a cup of coffee. And I want Elena to leave.

"Brian will be here soon," I say. My roommate had somewhere to be, but we're going out to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Plus, I want to talk to him. He returned from his hometown and got back with his girlfriend. I'd rather listen to the recap of his summer than be in the same room as the girl I fucked.

Elena wraps the sheet around her tighter. "So what? It's your apartment too."

She's oblivious, and the way she makes herself more comfortable instead of gathering her stuff and leaving jars on my nerves.

"I have shit to do before going to The Nerd," I say. "So, I'll see you there."

Elena smirks. "Your mysterious job?"

I don't reply and stroll to my closet to sift through the pile of clothes in search of something not too wrinkled to wear tonight.

The over-the-top huffing and rustling of fabric tell me Elena finally got a clue.

"See you later," she says over her shoulder by the time I've found a more or less decent tee.

My bedroom door slams shut, and I exhale, heading to the bathroom.

Half an hour later, I'm leaning against the kitchen counter with a mug full of steaming coffee in my hands. The front door opens, and Brian strolls in.

"Hey," he says. "Damn, you're already dressed. I gotta shower real quick."

"Want some coffee?" I ask. "And no worries. We've got time."

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