Chapter 9

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     "Where... where are we..." Nataly asked, her voice shaking slightly in fear.
"I... I don't know..." Poppy answered looking around at the room in front of them.

The room looked somewhat like a cafeteria, three tables set up inside of it. Three hallways split off from the sides, leading into other rooms, and a big window at the back of the cafeteria showed perfectly where they were.

"We're in space!?" Branch yelled out in a panic, seeing all the stars shining brightly through the window. "No, no, no... everyone back in the cave. We're getting out of... here?"

His sentence cut off as he turned, seeing the Black Rock was completely gone. How could a massive cave just disappear into thin air!?

     "Great..." he sighed, hiding his face in his hands. "We're doomed..."

     "No we're not, Branch," Poppy said, remaining positive. "Maybe I was wrong... maybe it wasn't an invitation to a party."
"Ya think?" Branch groaned sarcastically, glaring over at the queen of pop.
"But..." she continued, ignoring her boyfriend's comment. "Maybe it was an invitation to this. An escape room!"

     Everyone seemed impressed by that assumption, looking around with big smiles on their faces. Everyone, of course, except Branch.

     "An escape room? Seriously!?" he yelled, throwing his hands up into the air in frustration. "What about this situation makes you think it's a game!?"

     "We need to figure out how to get out of here, and back home," Poppy explained. "An escape room."

     She smiled, pleased with her idea, and everyone else seemed to like it as well.

     "Ugh... fine..." Branch groaned. "If it gets you to help us figure out how to get out of here... you can call it whatever you want."

     "This should be easy," Poppy said, overconfident in herself. "Let's find our first clue."

     Everyone began looking around the room they were in, searching for anything that could tell them how to get home.

     "Hey! Look y'all!" Holly shouted out suddenly, pointing over to one of the three tables. "Their's a computer! Maybe it has information about how to get home."

     "Ok..." Branch shrugged. "I guess it's as good a place as any to start."

     The group of trolls walked over to the laptop, Poppy pushing a button to turn it on, the screen lighting up almost instantly.

     "Welcome to the Skeld..." she read. "The place where you'll be living for the next two to five days..."

     "Wait... we're gonna be here that long!?" Creek yelled out in a panic. "But I need to feed my spirit animal. He's all alone..."

     "Shut up, Creek," Branch said, rolling his eyes slightly at the purple troll who stood next to him. "We're trying to concentrate." He looked at the computer, beginning to read where Poppy had left off. "Finish all your tasks to win," he read. "But watch out for the imposter... or your time will be shorter..."

     He looked up at Poppy, a worried look on his face.

     "Imposter?" he questioned.
"Don't worry about it," Poppy shrugged. "It's probably just a gimmick to make the escape room seem spookier. We'll be fine."

     She looked over, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Next to the computer, there was now suddenly ten pieces of paper, all of them having things that needed to be done around the ship.

     "Look at this," she said, pointing at the papers. "These must be the tasks we have to do. Everyone take one and get to work."

     Everyone grabbed a task list, walking off in different directions to get them done.

     "This is gonna be so fun," Poppy squealed, quickly running off to finish her list.

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