Chapter 14

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     "I can't believe this..." Poppy muttered, her face buried in her hands as everyone sat around a table in the cafeteria. "Who would do something like this?"

No one knew how to answer the question, remaining silent as they mourned the loss of one of their friends.

"We checked the whole ship..." Nataly said softly, walking into the cafeteria with Mandy. They had been searching for the culprit and were just getting back to the group. "There's no one else here..." Mandy finished.

The group of trolls looked around at each other, none of them wanting to believe what they were hearing.

"So... it had to of been... one of us..." Holly said.
"But who?" Biggie questioned.

Branch looked around for only a moment before realization quickly struck. He gasped, his eyes wide, knowing who had committed this awful crime.

"It was Creek!" he yelled out, pointing at the purple troll who sat across from him.

"What? Me?" Creek questioned innocently.
"We all know he's a traitor," Branch continued, crossing his arms.
"Oh... so you betray all of troll kind to the Bergens one time and suddenly you're a bad guy!?" the purple menace spoke, feeling offended by the accusation Branch had just made.

"Yes!" everyone quickly shouted out at once.

Creek blinked, looking around at the group of trolls who all glared at him angrily.

"Ok... that's fair..." he admitted softly with a sigh. "But I didn't do this."

"I believe him..." Poppy said. "Creek may be a cowardice traitor... but he's not a murderer. He wouldn't do this."
"Thank you, Poppy..." Creek said with a smug grin.

"Well I don't..." Branch said, crossing his arms again as he looked away from the group. "He's a bad troll. Always has been. Always will be."

"I agree with Branch," Nataly stated. "Purple is sus..."

"Come on guys. There's no proof," Poppy argued. "Besides... even if he did do it... what are we going to do about it?"
"Throw him into the cold lifelessness of space!" Nataly yelled out with a fiendish grin.

Everyone looked at her in confusion, her fiendish grin quickly turning into an innocent smile.

"I mean... it's what the computer says..." she defended herself, pointing to the computer that sat on the table which now had new words typed on it.

Branch looked at the computer, beginning to read what it said.

     "Finish all your tasks to win, but watch out for the imposter... or your time will be shorter..." he read. "To win without finishing tasks and avoid death... vote out the imposter by ejecting them from the ship. But vote wrong... and you'll be out another cremate. Once all cremates are eliminated... the game will end once and for all, leading to an imposter victory..."

     Branch gulped at what he was reading, his ears drooping slightly in fear.

     "So... if we vote out the imposter... we can go home?" Barb asked.
"That's... that's what it sounds like..." Branch answered softly.
"And if we don't?" Mandy asked.

     Branch looked around at the group sadly, before finally answering the question.

     "We'll all die..."

Among TrollsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora