Chapter 2

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     "Scrap book, scrapbook. La, la, la, la, la, la..." Poppy sang joyfully as she sat in her pod, happily making a scrapbook out of pictures of her and Branch. She had been so happy when he confessed that he loved her, because secretly... she loved him too... now... she just didn't know what she'd ever do without him...

     'Knock... knock... knock...'

     That was weird... Poppy had always had an open door policy, so who would be knocking?

     She looked away from her scrapbook, turning to her pod door. She used to not have a door in the frame at all, but Branch had assured her that it would be safer if she would at least put a slab of wood separating the inside from the outside.

     "Hello?" she called out, hoping to find out who was knocking, but there was no answer.

     Hmm... even stranger...

     Slowly, she rose up to her feet, making her way towards the door.

     Ok... why was she so scared? It was just a visitor. Poppy loved visitors. But something about this situation... it just seemed... weird... maybe she had been around Branch a bit too long, and he was starting to rub off on her...

     Cautiously, she opened the door, peaking through the small crack she had just created.

     A massive smile broke out on her face, all of her fear instantly fading away as she saw who was on her doorstep.

     "Branch!" she exclaimed happily, opening up the door fully.
"H... hey, Poppy..." a very nervous looking Branch said with a faked smile.

     He couldn't fool Poppy... she instantly knew something was up...

     "What's wrong?" she asked in concern, seeing how scared he looked.
"I... I was just wondering..." he started softly, looking away from her to turn his gaze down to a small piece of paper in his hands. "If... if maybe... you sent me this?"

     He held out the paper, Poppy raising an eyebrow before finally taking it from his outstretched hand to look at.

     "I thought it wasn't exactly your style..." he started, looking away again as he nervously rubbed the back of his head. "But... but I wanted to make sure..."

     Poppy looked at the plain piece of paper for just a moment, before looking back up at her boyfriend.

     "No, Branch..." she said softly, somewhat confused. "I didn't make this. I thought you did..."

     Branch looked up at her, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

     "Me?" he asked. "Why would I make an invitation for myself?" But she just shook her head, slowly reaching into her hair.

     "Not for yourself..." she began. "For me..."

     As she finished her sentence, she pulled a small folded up piece of paper from her hair. And strangely enough... it was the exact same as what Branch had gotten...

     "I found it on my dresser this morning," she informed, handing it over to Branch. "I just assumed it was from you."
"Why me?" Branch asked, taking the paper from his girlfriend to look at.

     It was indeed exactly the same as the one he had gotten. A plain white piece of paper with black text that read; 'You're Invited...'

     "Well..." Poppy started. "It's so plain. You're the only one I know who might make an invitation so boring."

     Branch looked up at her, raising an eyebrow. She thought he was boring?

     Poppy looked at him, gasping softly as she realized what she had just said could be taken the wrong way.

     "I... I didn't mean it like that," she defended. "I just... I mean... you've never sent an invitation before... and all the other trolls... well... there's are just so... extravagant and... and you..." She blinked, seeing the blank expression on her boyfriend's face. "No offense..." she continued with an innocent grin.

     Normally something like that said by anyone else would make the blue troll's blood boil. He had tried so hard to be a normal troll and fit in with society, but he couldn't help but feel... he was still different... still weird... still... a freak... and he knew... he knew some trolls still didn't accept him...

     But this was Poppy. He knew she accepted and loved him. She didn't mean any harm with her words.

     "None taken," he said with a kind smile, leaning over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek to show her he wasn't angry.

     Poppy smiled, sighing with relief to know she hadn't accidentally upset her best friend, but that relief soon turned back into confusion, as a thought popped into her head.

     "But... if you didn't send it..." she started. "Than... who did?"
"And..." Branch added. "How many other trolls got it..."

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