Chapter 5

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"Ok... I think I got it..." Branch informed, looking at the paper Poppy had written the letters on, a bit confused. "C, L, K, R, O, A, C, B, L, K. If you unscramble those letters, it spells Black Rock. But... there's an extra L..."

Poppy leaned over, looking at the paper closely to make sure Branch was right.

     "Hmmm... that's weird," she muttered, raising an eyebrow. "Why an extra L?"
"Maybe you did it wrong," Barb suggested with a shrug.
"I don't think so..." Branch denied, scratching his head in confusion, as he looked at the paper closely. "These letters wouldn't spell anything else. Maybe we read our invitation wrong. Who had the letter L?"

     He looked around at the group, as Poppy reached into her hair, pulling out the plain white piece of paper.

"I did," she said, handing Branch her invitation. There was in fact an L printed inside of it. So... there was definitely supposed to be an L. Black had an L in it, so that's probably where it belonged.

     "Who had the second one?" Branch finally asked, looking around again.

     "Me," Cooper laughed, handing the blue troll his invitation as well.

     "Ugh..." Branch groaned, shaking his head in frustration, as he looked at the funk troll's card. "Cooper... you were holding it upside down. This isn't an L... it's  a 7!"

     He held out the invitation, showing Copper the number printed on it.

     "Oh..." the funk troll said, his eyes wide in realization. "False alarm everybody! I did not have an L! Ha, ha, ha, ha."

     Branch sighed, rolling his eyes as he erased the second L from the paper, replacing it with a 7.

     "Black Rock 7?" Nataly read. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well... the Black Rock is a spooky looking cave out in the forest near pop village..." Poppy explained, thoughtfully. "Maybe that's where we need to go for the party."
"And 7 would be the time we need be there at," Holly added with a smile. "7:00."

     "That's in five minutes!" Poppy yelled enthusiastically. "It's party time, people!"
"Yeah! Woohoo!" everyone cheered excitedly, quickly running off towards the Black Rock without even a second thought.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Branch yelled, quickly cutting them all off, and stopping their energetic sprint. "A party... at Black Rock! Doesn't that seem just a tiny bit suspicious to anyone?"

     "It is a little sus..." Nataly admitted, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "I mean... who would have a party at a dark and spooky cave?"
"Yeah..." everyone agreed, beginning to murmur over each other in confusion, rethinking their decision to go to the Black Rock.

     "Come on, guys," Poppy chuckled, waving her hand through the air innocently. "It's a mystery party. The atmosphere has to be spooky."
"And what if something bad happens?" Branch asked, crossing his arms, as he glared over at Poppy suspiciously.

"Everything will be fine, Branch," she assured calmly. "Now let's get to this party started!"

She started to run again, but Branch quickly grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her back towards himself.

"Fine..." he sighed, holding gently onto her wrist. "If you won't listen to what I'm saying... will you listen to what I'm singing! We're putting our lives in danger... all for some silly party. Poppy... let's not go... stay safe with me..."

"Ugh, that was beautiful!" Poppy praised, clapping her hands enthusiastically. "But... I know... everything will be just fine. Long as you stick with me, oh my. Whether the weather is fair or fine," Poppy sang joyfully, leading Branch forwards, towards their destination. "I know there'll be always a clear blue sky. And sun shining yellow and bright. Behind even the darkest clouds, there's always..."
"Light! A fire, things have never been so dire. I can't stand anymore positivity," Branch sang, pulling away from his girlfriend's grasp, beginning to stomp away, towards his bunker.

"That storm cloud looks like a bunny!" Poppy yelled out excitedly, pointing up at the sky with wide eyes.

"This is the height of disaster. But all I hear is your laughter," Branch sang, as Poppy grabbed hold of him again, pulling him back towards herself. "Oh why it's so hard for you to see!?" they both sang together.

"The sky could be falling. The seas could be rising. The whole world could end," Branch sang. "There's never a good a reason..." Poppy tried to sing over him.
"And you would still be there smiling."
"Not to smile."
"You laugh in the face of the dangers you see."
"Oh, can't you see?"
"Oh, thank goodness you're out here with me!"
"There's nothing getting in the way of me!"

"Come on, Poppy..." Branch begged, pulling out of her grasp once again. "Let's just go home before it's to late..."

"When life gets higher!" Poppy sang, ignoring Branch's question, as she continued on her way, marching triumphantly. "No..." Branch sang with a sigh, backing up Poppy's vocals as he followed her begrudgingly. "Just smile."
"Whether there's a storm."
"Cuz when the cloud part."
"The sunshine and rainbows are born."
"Just crazy..."

"Don't you know... how it goes?" Poppy and Branch sang together. "Just keep your head down as long as the wind blows."
"When the clouds part," Poppy sang.
"There's nothing..." Branch sang.
"The sunshines and rainbows are born."
"Waiting at."
"The other side of the storm!" they both finished together.

"So... what do you all say?" Poppy yelled out to the rest of the group with a smile. "Branch's boring plan?"
"Boooo!" everyone booed.
"Or my fun, exciting, nothing could possibly go wrong plan!?"
"Yeah!" everyone yelled out in excitement, quickly running off towards the 'party' location.

     Branch blinked in disbelief, watching everyone go with wide eyes.

     "Ugh..." he finally sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. "Why don't they ever listen to me..."
"I feel ya, buddy," Nataly said, patting Branch's shoulder sympathetically. "I feel ya..."

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