Chapter 3

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     Poppy and Branch walked around the village together, trying to find out how many other trolls had gotten the mysterious invitation.

     Turns out... there were only 8 trolls out of all of Trollstopia who had received the plain piece of paper, all of the notes exactly the same as the last, and no one knowing exactly where they came from.

     "It was in my pod when I woke up this morning," all of them answered when asked. Sus...

     In the group of 'lucky' trolls... there were some familiar faces like Barb, Cooper, Sky Toronto, Holly, Biggie, and... 🤢 Creek 🤮. But there were also some... unfamiliar faces...

     Yes... they had been seen around the village from time to time, but none of them ever really got involved in the main adventures.

     This group consisted of only two trolls. A yellow pop troll with red hair named Mandy Sparkledust, and a blue techno/pop troll named Nataly.

(Cough... cough... littlekitty1346😉)

"Ok... so this is weird... right?" Sky asked, looking around at the group of seemingly random trolls, the plain white invitation in his glittery hand. "Super weird..." everyone else agreed, beginning to murmur over each other, all of their words blending together so no one could be heard clearly.

"Come on, guys. It's not that weird," Poppy chuckled, waving her hand through the air. "It's just an invitation."
"A creepy invitation that showed up mysteriously," Branch said, crossing his arms as he glanced over at Poppy.

"Maybe it's for a mystery party," Poppy suggested with a smile. "Like the one I threw when Cooper became Chummy Sparklstone. I say we go!"

"Ok... first off..." Branch said firmly, turning to the overly optimistic troll beside him. "We're not doing this. It could be a trap. And second... even if we were going to go... which we're not... we don't even know where this so called 'party' is. The card doesn't say."

"Maybe it's part of the mystery," Poppy said in a mystical tone. "See... mine has an L on it. And your's has a B" she informed, pointing at the letter printed inside of Branch's invitation. "Everyone! Look in your cards!"

All the trolls quickly obeyed their queen, looking inside the folded up pieces of paper.

"Mine has a C..." Nataly stated.
"Mine too," said Biggie.
"Mine says K..." Sky said in his monotoned voice.
"O," Creek informed.
"I have an R," Barb read.
"A," Holly said.
"There's an L on mine," Cooper laughed.
"And I have a K too," Mandy stated.

"Ok..." Poppy said, thinking about what all the letters could mean. "So... I'm thinking we just have to... figure out what the hair this means, cuz I have no clue..."

Everyone sighed, disappointed to hear they had reached a dead end.

"Psh... isn't it obvious?" Branch scoffed, rolling his eyes as everyone looked over at him in confusion. What was he talking about? "It's a word scrambler," he informed as if it were obvious. "You take each letter and try to put it into a sentence. And..." He blinked at everyone staring at him, suddenly realizing what he was doing. "And... why am I telling you this..." he sighed, hiding his face in his hands. "I just helped you lead us all to our doom... didn't I..."
"You bet!" Poppy laughed.
"Of course I did..." Branch groaned.

"So we just need to figure out what this spells," Poppy said with a smile. "Then we figure out where we need to go for the party!"
"Yay!" everyone cheered excitedly.

"Or..." Branch said loudly, instantly catching everyone's attention. "We can just go home, forget any of this ever happened, and not die a horrible, painful death..."

He smiled, looking around at everyone, expecting them to take his advice, but they all just instantly looked away, going back to trying to figure out the puzzle.

     He smiled, looking around at everyone, expecting them to take his advice, but they all just instantly looked away, going back to trying to figure out the puzzle

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"And... of course their not going to listen to me..." he sighed, shaking his head slightly. "No one ever does..."

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