Vol. 3 Chapter 9 Paradise Island

Start from the beginning

"Great job. " Sudo grinned.


After we talked calmly, wisely, and peacefully with Subaru for an hour. We dragged him to the beach, to the teacher tents. Chabashira looked shocked when she saw the wound on Subaru's body. 

"Oh, he fell from the cliff on the way down here. " Sudo said while hiding his blood-soaking hand.

Shinohara and Yamauchi took Ike to the camp. I thought he was taking a rest now. He insisted that he wouldn't withdraw from the test. He didn't want our class to lose any points. 

The school called the water police to take Subaru and his friend. The helicopter would arrive in an hour. So Chabashira-Sensei told us to go back to our camp.

We split from Katsuragi and Yahiko in front of the forest.

"It's our honor to fight side by you. " Katsuragi extended his hand. I hold it.

"Me too. " I nodded. "But after this, we will become enemies again."

"I think so. And it'll be our honor to fight you."

"Me too."

We waved to each other before going back to our camp. Sudo kept calm again while Doctor talked with Miyake with excitement.

"You're very cool with your bow, sir!" Doctor said. "Look like the samurai, sir!"

"Nah, I'm not that cool. " Miyake scratched his head modestly.

We reached the camp ten minutes later. When he saw us, Hirata walked toward us instantly.

"Everyone, are you okay?" He asked with worry.

I nodded. "Don't worry, Hirata. None of us get hurt except Ike."

"Mori-San!" Karuizawa and Matsushita who were in the same group as Mori took her from Doctor. Those girls talked and asked her many questions. In the end, Karuizawa took Mori to their tents.

I looked following them and still didn't see Horikita anywhere.

That girl shouldn't go out so far. No, she needed to not go out so far.

"Are you looking for Horikita-San?" Hirata asked me. I nodded. "She came back at the lunch. But seriously, Ayanokouji-Kun. I think she forces herself too much. She goes to find the food on the other side of the island. Don't you think it is too much?"

"Yes. Yesterday, at the sashimi party. I saw her try to cook everything by herself. Until Sato told her to stop."

Horikita was destroying herself slowly.

This morning, I thought about taking Horikita to dominate the territory around the island again, but since her body wouldn't stand it. I decided to throw this idea away.

"Say, Hirata. Where is Ike?" I asked him.

"In our tent."

I said thanks to him and walked to the man's tent. Before I came in, Sato walked out of it. She flinched when she saw me.


"Sato? What're you doing here?"

"I--I just take the water to Shinohara-San! I didn't come here because I want to smell your pillow or something. " Sato said while blushing.

"Wait. What did you say?"

"Ah! I'm sorry for lying! I smell your pillow---but no licking. I swear to god! No licking!"

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