[Part 34]

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((A/N: The person who said "Good, glad everyone's here. Now listen up-" was said by Charles. Just to clear that up. Also RIP pacing.))

((Sorry this took so f---ing long))

"-This world isn't as fun as it may seem." Charles stated with a dull expression. His eyes sunken into his skull as rainbow collared blood dripped from them. "I wish I could explain, but I have been banned to do so."

"What do you mean?" Burt asked hesitantly. Charles frowned.

"I mean that I am not allowed to tell you what is going on here. It's a rule." Charles explained. "I understand that must be hard for you to grasp but I promise you'll figure it out soon. But as for now, I have to leave you. I'm sorry for this, my friends, but I assure you this is for the best."

And then, the ground rumbled before the ground opened up before they all fell through.

They were swallowed up by darkness before Sven let out an ear destroying scream as a demonic laugh entered Burt's ears. But he couldn't see or feel anything. He could only hear Sven's screams. Then Reginald. Then Right's. Then silence.

He fell until he hit something hard and he could hear and feel his bad SNAP. It should have hurt. He should have screamed. But he didn't. He felt nothing. But Boo's soft, cold, yet wet noise sniffing his face.


Boo whimpered as she did her best to try and get her friend to wake up. He didn't move nor speak. Everything around them was black except for a large white circle on the ground around them. The others weren't around which only tariffed Boo more.

Was... was she alone? With no one awake? Was her friend... gone? No, that can't be right, he was still breathing. She could see his chest rising and falling. Even if it was barely visible.

Boo paced a little around her friend, trying her best to wake him up somehow. But nothing worked. His eyes were shut, he didn't move, except for his chest which barely moved.

Harsh sounds of sticks breaking filled her sense causing her to yip in fear as she spun around trying to see where it had come from. But nothing was there.

Not a soul.

She looked around and growled as she stood by her friend's side.

Don't worry, I'll protect you! She thought as her eyes narrowed at the darkness around them.

Her fur stood on end as the darkness started to grow nearer.

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