[Part 23] (Boss Fight: Phase 1)

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((A/N: Burt is the only one actually sleeping during this whole thing. I just didn't write what the hell was going on with Reg and Right until tell the end.))
[Heads up: Fight scene and violence] ((Sorry if the fight scene is trash this is my first time writing one-))

Right as their hands were about to touch Sven slapped away their hand and stood up. "Thanks, but I think we can find our own way home" Sven stated. "Besides- you give off way too many other mother vibes to be a good thing."

The other Sven (the one with button eyes) gritted their teeth angerly. "Do you have any idea what you just threw away!?" They said, tugging on their own hair. "You could have gone home! All for the price of your sight! But you just throw that away like it was nothing!"
"As nice as that offer would have been-" Sven said, quietly taking out Burt's cleaver knife. "I would prefer to keep my eyes thank you very much."

And just like that Sven swung the knife, trying to cut off its head but they dodged before the knife could hit. All of a sudden the other Sven's started to fall apart. Sven backed away in horror and the other Sven's arm fell off to reveal it was filled with stuffing. A large black claw came out of the other Sven's side where the arm had just fallen off. The black claw reached for Sven but he dodged out of the way just in the nick of time.

The other Sven ripped off it's other arm making it so now he had two large black claw arms. Which wasn't a good thing for Sven. One of those arms stretched trying to reach Sven but once again he moved out of the way. But the claw almost reached Burt causing Sven to panic.

"Hey asshole!" Sven called, flailing his arms in the air. "Come and get me." He said, sticking his hands out. The other Sven growled, foam began to drip from his mouth. He began to run, using his new arms as his legs. Sven waited until they were just in arm's reach before he bolted the opposite direction of where everyone was. And when Boo was about to run after him he made sure to yell: "Boo no! Stay with Burt!" and she obeyed.

Sven made a sharp turn, so sharp he had to put his hand on the ground to get himself to turn around. It had burned from being scraped against the ground but now was not the time to think of it or even worry about it.

The other Sven reached for him again but Sven ducked down before running straight over to the other Sven. Right as the other Sven was about to grab him Sven swung the knife and cut off their head. The other Sven, now headless, backed up and fell to the ground and the arms sucked back into the headless shell. Sven stared, panting heavily before getting excited.

But this fight wasn't over just yet.

Right as Sven was getting ready to celebrate black claws ripped open the chest from the inside of the other Sven's empty shell. A dark, goopy creature crawled out of the other Sven's corps. It had wide white eyes and tiny legs but large black claw-like arms. The creature was using its arms as legs. It's body dripped with black goop.
Sven began to back up, clutching the handle of the knife so hard his knuckles turned white.

The creature looked straight into Sven's eyes before letting out a horrid screech. Sven began to panic before looking around over and over before he spotted something. What looked like a white beating heart was in the center of the creature's chest.

All he needed to do was hit it in the chest and he would kill it. Shouldn't be to hard right?

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