[Part 1]

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I'm not crazy. So why am I here?

Burt banged at the door with his legs due to his arms being tied behind his back because of a straight jacket. "Stop trying to get out. We just want to run a few tests and if everything goes smoothly and there is nothing wrong with you we'll let you go." A voice echoed through the simple room he was in. The room was painted white making it easier to see the molding and decaying of the room.

Staying in a room like this for too long could make someone seriously sick.

There was a bed in the corner but it was too rusty and old to even use. It was a miracle that the mattress hadn't broken the bed frame already. Burt shuffled and tried to break free but his efforts were useless. Soon the door opened and a plague doctor looking figure approached him and a syringe was shoved in his neck. The liquid from the syringe drained into Burt's system and caused him to fall asleep.


Burt's eyes fluttered open slightly before shooting open before he covered his mouth to stop himself from screaming. His hands were untied but that wasn't his main concern right now. What was his main concern was the room he was in (that looked like a basic therapist room) was torn apart and was covered with blood and bodies and all the windows that were there (which was only two) were broken. From the ceilings dark blood osed down.

And in front of him was a twisted clown figure. Its body bent and stretched. Their heads were twisted upside down. It had long, brightly colorful, curved horns with cracks and chips. Their face was painted white with blood stained on it. It had a black eyes with consistently color changing irises. It had a heart shaped nose and a wide grin with sharp multi colored teeth. Its body was long and black and seemed to be coming out of the ground. It had four arms. One juggling three balls. One blue. One red. One green. Another arm holding a bottle of some sort. And the two other arms were reaching for him. And on his chest were three large fluffy balls.

((Art by @PJOfan10042 go praise them for this please this is awesome!))

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((Art by @PJOfan10042 go praise them for this please this is awesome!))

Burt tried to back away but he just backed himself into something. He was about to be grabbed before the door opened and the clown creature faded into the ground and the room became a simple, none-bloody or corpseafide, therapist room. Burt's breath was shaky as his eyes darted around the room before settling down on the person at the door. The chief. Oh thank god.

"Chief!" Burt called out. Still horrified by the monster he saw mere minutes ago.

"Hey Burt, how are you?" Reginald cooed, sitting down next to him. Wait- he was sitting?

"Terrified." Burt replied in a shaky voice. He couldn't hide the fact he was scared. Not even if he wanted to. "I want to go home." He added. Reginald sighed.

"Not yet. Soon though." Reginald told him. His tone was still soft and sweet.

No! Now! Burt wanted to scream.

"Ok." Burt whimpered. The door opened once again. Reginald and Burt turned their attention to the door before a dog ran over to the two and started licking Burt's face. "Wow! Hey buddy! Stop! That tickles!" Burt laughed. Reginald chuckled a little two as the dog came over to him next ange gave him a few kisses on the cheek before a voice spook.

"Boo, enough. Give them their space." The dog stopped licking Burt's and Reginalds faces and sat down in front of them. Burt took a closer look at the dog. They were a white golden retriever with a blue color with a name tag with the name 'Boo' on it.

"Is that their name?" Burt asked though he was sure he knew his answer already.

"What?" The person replied, confused.

"'Boo', is that the dog's name?" Burt repeated with a little more information.

"Ah, yes. And she's yours while you're here." The person stated. Burt looked down at Boo and smiled. He patted his legs as he said:

"Come here Boo." Boo didn't hesitate to come over to Burt and set her head on his lap. "Good girl." Burt said as he began to pet the dog.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking- how long does he have to stay here? Cause I would like to take him home as soon as possible." Reginald asked with an explanation to his question.

"Well, a few days at the least. According to our tests he went through some serious trauma." The person stated.

"Trauma? What trauma?" Burt asked, confused. Reginald turned to him.

"You don't remember? Everyone in the entire airship was almost killed." Reginald told him.

I.. I don't remember.

"Oh." Burt lowered his head sadly. How could he have forgotten?

"Hey. It's ok. Everyone is safe now." Reginald cooed.

"Even Sven?" Burt asked, glancing at Reginald. To him, that question was very important. Reginald sucked a bit of air through his teeth.

"Well, he's in the hospital right now. But don't worry! He's doing just fine! Once I left I was actually going to pick him up and bring him home." He said. Burt let out a sigh and smiled weakly.

"Glad he is going home." Burt stated. "I can't wait to go home and see him," he added.

"I bet he would be overjoyed to have you home." Reginald stated.

"Excuse me, I hate to separate people but you'll need to take your leave now sir." The person told Reginald. Reginald gave a soft sigh and looked at Burt.

"I know you don't normally like hugs but would it be alright to give you one before I go?" He asked. Burt nodded softly and Reginald moved over to him and gave him a quick side hug. "Take care." He told Burt before standing up and leaving. The person then turns to Burt. Now that Burt looked at them they had a bunny mask and their body was covered in a blue, transparent, rain coat. Burt did not like that.

"Now, Mr. Curtis, if you don't mind. I need to take you and Boo to your room." The person stated. Burt gave them an anoid glare before standing up as Boo moved her head.

"Come on Boo." Burt summoned the dog and she followed.

Curiosity Symptoms [Discontinued :')]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu