[Part 26]

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((A/N: Another chapter with a oc- fun. I'm really just trying to make some mellow chapters before I end this book I guess. Anyway I hope this chapter is ok.)) [P.s. There's Swedish but I already translated it for ya so you didn't have to. Used google translate tho. So sorry if it's not accurate.]

Sven fluttered his eyes open before sitting up. He looked around in awe. He remembered this place. He was inside a small coffee shop, (or was it a breakfast house?) The Witches Cauldron he assumed, while the outside was raining heavily. He heard the familiar sound of Boo's barks as Boo ran straight to him before immediately licking Sven's face.

"Pfft- Boo!" Sven laughed. "That tickles!" Boo backed away from Sven, her tail wagging happily. Sven stood up and dusted himself off. He took a closer look around. He was by himself but the place seemed to be in wonderful condition. He walked around behind the counter before noticing a small coffee pot hot and ready to pour. Sven looked around before grabbing himself a cup from the pile of cups in the corner of the counter before pouring himself a cup. He took a big sniff of the smell of coffee. It smelled nice.

He walked over to one of the tables by the window and sat down. Boo came running over to him and sat down by his feet before resting her head on his lap. He patted her head softly as he looked out the window.

It was pouring outside and in the silence of the coffee shop he could hear the rain. Burt would love it here. Wait. Burt!

Sven quickly stood up in a panic. He looked around frantically. Burt was nowhere insite. Sven began to wander around the entire inside of the building before relaxing that Burt wasn't here. No one was. He truly was alone. Despite how nice this is, he needed to find Burt. And Reginald. And Right.

"Få inte panik. Dina vänner och familj är säkra. Ta det lugnt. De träffar dig här snart." ((Translation: "Do not panic. Your friends and family are safe. Take it easy. They'll meet you here soon.")) A calm, soothing voice stated. Sven turned around to see someone leaning against the door.

They looked like some kind of anthropomorphic shark dog. They were a light blue with orange inner ears, paw pads, and parts of their shark tail. They also had sand colored hair floof that covered their left eye and was also the color of their nose. Their eye color looked like a shade of orange. Their ears were pretty large, making it easy to have two ear piercings on one of their ears. And they had a dark blue circle with little orange fish markings on their hips. Around their neck was a black choker necklace as they wore a long grey sweater dress.
Sven already knew who this was. Valp. Though he must have been seeing things. Valp wasn't real. She was just a figment of his imagination. And when he waited for Boo to begin to growl, telling him that they were endangered, but she didn't. Actually. Boo didn't growl at all. Infact she seemed rather happy.

Sven stared at the Valp in awe and shock as he tried to process what he saw. Slowly Valp began to move to the coffee machine and pour herself some coffee. That's when he finally spoke up.

"Hur mår du här Valp?" ((Translation: "How are you here Puppy?" (Valp is swedish for Puppy))) Sven asked.

"Det här är din komfortplats. Och jag är din tröstkaraktär, minns du?" ((Translation: "This is your comfort spot. And I'm your comfort character, remember?")) Valp stated.

"Rättvist" ((Translation: "Fair")) Sven muttered. Valp walked over to Sven before opening her arms up for a hug. Sven hesitated for a moment before hugging Valp.

((A/N: I'm extremely jealous of Sven-))

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