[Part 24]

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((A/N: I know it was short- and I'm sorry about that. [this gives me unnecessary spoof/crack vibes and I don't know why.]))

Sven just giggled for a moment before handing him his clever knife back. "Here, I believe this was yours?" Sven stated. Burt took the knife and looked at it for a moment before putting it in his bag and standing up.

"What's that?" Burt asked, pointing to the heart.

"The heart of my enemy." Sven replied with a smile before laughing. "I'll explain later." He added.

"Ookaaay then." Burt said, confused. But he evenly brushed it off. "Someone mind telling me where the chief got a fucking frying pan from?" He asked, glancing at Reginald and pointing at the frying pan.

Reginald glanced down at it for a moment before looking at everyone. "I got it from one of the bags on the creature over there." Reginald stated, pointing at the big creature that had brought them here in the first place. Now that Reginald mentioned it there was a necklace around its neck with some bags on it.

"How did we not see that sooner?" Burt questioned.

"No idea." Right replied boredly.

"Well- now what?" Reginald asked, resting the head of his frying pan on his shoulder.

Burt reached in his bag before pulling out a bottle of pills. "There's no guarantee these will bring us home but- it's worth a shot."

Sven let out a groan before reaching his hand out, palm up, ready to be handed a pill. "Let's get this over with." Sven stated with a groan.

Reginald and Right shared a look before reaching out their hands the same Sven was. Burt let out a sigh and opened the container before handing them all one pill. And before Burt could even say anything Sven already tossed the pill in his mouth and swallowed.

"Waw- ok! Fine! Not even going to try and do it at the same time!" Burt said, tossing the pill in his mouth before swallowing. And lastly Reginald and Right shared one more look before swallowing their own pills.

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