[Part 17]

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((A/N: I keep getting inspired by @itward2007 's House of Madness... Also thanks @PJOfan10042 for some ideas for this part.))

((*Demonic Author Sobbing Noises in the background*))

Burt's mouth gaped open as he stared at the figure in shock while Sven's eyes darted between Burt and the Figure. Burt's eyes started to water as silence filled the area. The silence was only when Burt managed to choke out one word.

"D-dad?" Burt whimpered.

"Hello son." The figure greeted, kneeling down. "You've grown so much. It's kind of hard to realize you're not my little boy anymore." The figure laughed warm heartedly. Burt started to sob before running over to the figure and tackle hugging them. The figure paused before smiling and using one pair of his arms to hug Burt.

"I-i've missed you. So, so much." Burt sobbed and hiccuped. "I-"

"Shh, there there. It's alright. Let it out." The figure said, rubbing Burt's back in a comforting way. He glanced up at Sven for a moment. "I am so sorry Svensson but could you give us a moment?"

"Of course sir." Sven said with a nod, backing up. Boo did the same. The figure nodded before picking up Burt with no warning.

"We'll be right back." The figure said before taking off. Sven watched as they took off before sitting back down on the ground. Boo sat down by him as both cats came and laid in his lap.

"So that was his dad." Sven muttered. "Good to know."


Burt's father landed before setting Burt down on the ground. Burt looked around for a moment taking in the area.

It was his childhood home. Big house with a beautiful garden that was painted red and white. Even looking from the outside it was a cozy home. Looking ahead he could see a young version of himself on the roof trying to grab a small ball.

"Burt! Please! Get down from there! You could get in trouble! Or worse! Hurt!" A young version of his cousin's voice said.

"Relax, i'll be fine. I'll just get your ball and climb down." A young version of Burt replied.

Burt watched, shaking his head and muttering "No, get down. You're going to fall. Get down." under his breath. But of course his younger self didn't hear nor listen. He gets going, reaching for Charles' ball. But before he could reach he slipped and fell off and straight into the garden. Charles ran over to Burt and screamed his name a few times before screaming out for his father, aunt, and uncle.

Burt shook his head, disappointed in his own youth. "I should have known better."

"And yet you didn't." His father responded. Soon the ambulance came before the world around them glitch before turning completely white.

The world changed again to the inside of a dark bathroom while a young, highschool version of Burt laid on the ground, clutching his stomach. "Oh god, not this memory." Burt muttered.

"I know you're not fond of this memory. Nor any like it. But you got to remember that you have grown from this." His father said before turning to Burt. "And I'm so proud of you for still being here."

The worlds glitched again before the world around them turned white again. Burt bowed his head in guilt. Burt's father kneed down and put a hand on Burt's shoulder. "I should have known better." Burt muttered, grabbing his own arms tightly.

"And yet you still did all of it." His father said before turning his and Burt's attention to look ahead. "But look where you are now."

The world around them changed again and we got what looked like a Burt from a few weeks ago getting a sibling like nugie from the Right hand. That Burt was smiling and laughing. Around them was Sven and Reginald who were chuckling and smiling. Current Burt couldn't help but tear up with joy and smile.

"I'm proud of you Burt. Even if you did choose a life of crime. I'm still proud of you." His father told him. Burt looked at his father with a wide smile and hugged him. "Right, now I have one last thing I need to show you. Then we can return you to your friend Sven." His father told him.

The world around him turned white before changing to a dark abandoned casino like place. Burt could see creatures wandering around but he couldn't make out what they looked like. His eyes wondered before he spotted something and let out a gasp.


Sven quietly tried to make a flower crown for Burt when he got back. But as he tried he continued to fail. He let out a loud groan in frustration. "God damn it! Why can't I get this right!?"

The sound of wings flapping pulled Sven out of his focus. Sven looked up to see the figure and Burt coming back and landing down on the ground. Once Burt was back down on the ground he gave the figure one last hug before running to Sven.

"Hey Sven." Burt said softly as he plopped down next to Sven. Burt's tone and expression was filled with worry.

"Burt, is everything alright?" Sven asked, placing a hand on Burt's shoulder. Burt shook his head.

"We need to find the chief and Right hand. But we can't use the pills." Burt stated. Sven titled his head in confusion.

"Ok?" Sven stated with a tone of confusion. Burt looked down at the incomplete flower crown in Sven's hands. Sven looked down at it for a moment before looking at Burt. "Oh right- I was trying to make you a flower crown like the one you made for me but... I don't know how to make flower crowns." Burt chuckled a little.

"Ok well first off, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to-" Burt stopped mid sentence to take the flower crown from Sven's hands and showed him how to do it. "There."

"Oooh. Ok." Sven said, taking the flower crown in his hands and examining it before putting it on Burt's head. "There, now we match. Mostly." Sven said with a smile.

"Lucky, Darkness, time to open the gate." The figure said. Lucky and Darkness both meowed and jumped off Sven's lap allowing Sven to stand. Once Sven and Burt were both standing Boo stood up as well and they all walked over to the gate which was being opened. "Be careful you two." The figure said.

"We will." Burt said with a nod before taking Sven's hand in his. He gave a warm smile before the three (Burt, Sven, and Boo) bolted out of the garden and into a new world.

A world that made all their heads spin.

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