[Part 7]

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((A/N: This is more a of a fluffy filler chapter then anything.))

Burt took the so-called 'new' pills the doctor gave him and tossed a pill in his mouth and swallowed. When he did so the world around him shifted into the twisted bloody world he recognized. He looked at the pill container and noticed one small detail on it. It had the words 'Medicine' and 'Eat me!' On it. How was he not surprised?

"God. FUCKING DAMN IT!" He screamed. Boo looked at him before walking over to him and licking his face causing him to laugh. "Hi Boo. Hi, yes. I'm fine. Don't worry." He chuckled.

Burt stood up and sighed before opening the door and walking out. Boo followed besiding him. They walked down the hallways that were full of only the shells of people who were sitting among the seets. But there was some kind of creature by these people. These creatures looked like people but not quite people. They had features of a person like eyes and body structure but something about them was off putting to say the least.

All the creatures had white eyes and all of them were like shadows. But some had no mouths while others did. Some had wings and others didn't. Some had horns and others didn't. Some had more than one pair of eyes and mouth while others only had one pair.

If he listened closely he could hear what some of them were saying. "They'll never male it." "Your a failure." "Weak." "Give up." "What's the point?" "It's all your fault." and so on and so forth.

Burt shook his head and took a deep breath and kept walking. The walls were covered in so much blood that if he wasn't used to it by now he would have felt sick.

When he and Boo turned a corner he saw something unexpected to say the least. There were lifeless versions of Reginald, Right, and Sven. Reginald had his arms up in the air and had golden strings wrapped around his arms as one of those creatures held the strings. They looked human mostly but they had no mouth but they did have wings and a toppat.

Right was on the ground with his back up agents the wall. Half of his face was ripped off while his legs and left arm were torn off and he was bleeding out. One of the creatures was standing by him holding what looked like a chainsaw.

And Sven. He had many of the creatures around him. All staring at him with wide white eyes while the shell version of Sven's eyes were gone and all that remained was the eye sockets.

Are these supposed to be a metaphor for something?

Burt took one last long look before he took another pill and the world seems to turn normal. It didn't take long for him to be noticed.

"Burt? What are you doing out of your room?" Reginald asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Sven added.

"Yeah, but I couldn't sleep so I wanted to see if I could get some fresh air." Burt stated.

"Well I'll come with you." Sven said, walking over to him with a smile. "Just in case."

"Thanks." Burt said with a nod. Sven took his hand into his own and then before they walked away from Reginald and Right and into the outside world as Boo followed happily. Burt blushed a little as he bowed his head in embarrassment as they walked around outside.

Finally, a break from the madness.

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