[Part 13]

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((A/N: This is like one of those test parts. It's still hella important despite it being short and pretty much a filler))

Monsters crawled around the abandoned building. Their bodies were disfigured as they crawled on the walls and ceilings with their chest bent out, acting like the back of any creature.

A long, red haired man laid with gold strings around his wrists and ankles as he laid inside a rusty old cage. While another, small puffy brown hair covered his eyes as gold strings held him off the ground of a stage. He hung there like a marionette doll with gold strings around their wrist, ankles, and neck.

Unlike the brown haired man, who was unconscious, the red head was trying to break free.

But the strings kept him from moving too much. "C'mon, t'ere gotta be a way outta t'is mess."

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