[Part 19]

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 The sound of a dog whimper entered Burt's ears as his eyes fluttered open slightly. His vision was blurry. He blinked a few times before his vision was clear enough to see his surroundings. He could see the dark void above him as Boo loomed over his head, whimpering. Burt shakily lifted up his hand and put his hand on her head before it fell to the ground. He let out a shaky breath as his head and body ached. He moved slightly with a wince of pain before sitting up. He immediately felt nauseous and his head began to spin and before he knew it he had thrown up. He hadn't gotten any vomit on him thankfully but he definitely wasn't feeling well.

Boo walked over to him and whimpered. "It's ok Boo, I'm fine." He reassured her. A sudden feeling of a warm liquid dripping down his forehead and face came to his senses. He gripped his head before letting out a groan of pain. But when he let go to look at his hand he saw blood. He gripped his head again and let out another groan of pain.

Shakily he forced himself to stand only to wobble and almost fall. But he managed to catch himself intime. He glanced down at Boo who had her right, front paw up like she had hurt it. Burt crouched down and examined it. It wasn't too bad of an injury thankfully and she could easily walk it off with enough time. Burt sighed in relief, glad Boo wasn't hurt too badly.

Boo let out a worried whine as she leaned in to sniff Burt's head. Burt chuckled. "It's ok Boo, i'm ok." He reassured her. But Boo still seemed worried.
Burt looked into his bag and grabbed out a medical kit he found a while back, though he didn't expect it to still be there. He thought he had lost it when he went to the conjoined twins' place. Oh well, best not to question it right now. At least he still had the cleaver knife in here too. But the bag didn't seem to have anything else in it other than the pills, medical kit, and cleaver knife in it. He could have sworn there were other things in here. But again, not the time to question it.

He took off his headphones, top hat, and flower crown before using the medicine in the kit to clean any and all spots he felt blood was coming from on his head. He hissed in pain as he cleaned the spots before he bandaged up his head. He carefully put the flower crown and medical kit in his bag before putting on his headphones and top hat.

He looked around before yelling: "Oh come on!"

There were large torn, abandoned tents and carnival game stands. There was tossed away old candy and trash scattered everywhere. And of course there were dead bodys and blood everywhere.

He was stranded in the middle of a bloody, abandoned, carnival. Wonderful.

Burt let out a loud groan in frustration. "I better not have to go through a fucking maze or I swear i'm going to set this place on fire!" He yelled before starting to wonder. Boo followed beside him, looking around and listening as they walked.

Burt bowed his head only using his eyes to look around as he hugged himself tightly. He never liked carnivals. Mostly sense a clown was not too far away whenever he had gone to one. He couldn't help but feel himself shiver from fear or from how cold it was.

The two walked, the path they were on seeming to have no end.

But it only took one loud, high pitch, ear piercings screech to alert Boo and Burt. They both looked around frantically before seeing large creatures starting to surround them. They looked like humans that had their legs replaced with arms and their arms and head wear turned around. They walked around like their back was their chest was. The creator's head had one large eye with nothing else. But whenever they screeched their eye turned from an eye into a large mouth. Though some of them had more than 4 arms. Some looked like they had 8 arms or more why others looked like they had legs instead of arms. On top of that there were some of these creators that wear as big as an average person or bigger. There were a lot of these things. 5 at the least.

And they were all surrounding and cycling Burt and Boo. Burt quickly pulled out his clever knife only to almost drop it but thankfully he didn't. He held it close at the ready just in case he needed to fight. But before one of them, the biggest one, could attack, a bright light flashed and they all ran off, whimpering in pain and covering their eyes.

A large shadow covered him and Boo. Fearfully they turned around to see a figure riding a different creature. The creature was large. Their body was like a wolf with a monkey head. Their ears were wolf ears while the rest of the head, other than being freakishly fluffy, was nothing more than a big eye that can change into a giant mouth with a snake's tongue. They had 6 legs. Their first pair in front was the arms of a cat with its intractable claws. The second pair was the legs of an eagle. And his back limbs wear the back legs of a goat. His tails were a ring-tailed lemur's tail and a fox's tail. And they have 2 pairs of wings. One large pair and one slightly smaller pair. One bird pair, one bat pair.

Meanwhile the figure riding on top was cloaked in a dark long rob with the hood over the figure's head. When the figure turned their head to face Burt and Boo they were wearing a white mask with an eye on it.

The creature laid down on the ground as the figure stepped off. They raised a hand to their mask before removing it causing Burt to let out a gasp.

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