[Part 5]

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((A/N: Did I add cannibalisms into the warnings? No- Welp. Here is your warning because there are 2 characters who talk about cannibalisms in this part/chapter. I should also put a Murder warning too huh?))

((Edit not so much later A/N: Damn I made this super dark. I apologies for that 😅))

Burt's eyes fluttered open. Tears still poured from his eyes as he had one arm wrapped around Boo in a protective way. "Boo?" Burt muttered. Boo turned her head and licked the tears off Burt's face causing him to giggle. He didn't push her away but instead embraced the kisses from the dog. He laid there laughing and giggling before Boo pulled away and pulled her attention to someone in front of them. She growled at them causing the person to back up slightly.

Burt looked up and stared at the person. Or was it people? Burt squinted his eyes before he realized what he was seeing. Conjoined twins. Males, with orange hair and blue eyes. They had two arms, two heads, two legs and their chest seemed to be what had conjured them. They wore a large sweater and what seemed to be jeans.

"Hello there stranger!" The left head greeted. "We saw you and your puppy were knocked out outside so we brought you in to keep you safe!"

"We hope that's alright." The right head stated. Burt just gave them a thumbs up sense he was no longer in the mood to talk.

"Great!" The left head said. "I'm Calvin and this is my brother Konrad." Calvin said pointing to his own head while saying his name and then pointing to his brother's head while saying their name. Burt gave a thumbs up in response.

"Are you hungry or thirsty at all?" Konrad asked. Burt shook his head in response. "In that case we'll let you rest a little more. You still seem offly tired." And with that they left. But as much as Burt wanted to shut his eyes again and get even a little more sleep he forced himself to get up. He looked around to see his bag hanging up on a hat rack. He walked over to it and grabbed it before quickly looking through it. Everything but his pills, the small container of poison and the small cake was missing. He let out a sigh and began to investigate the room he was in. It seemed to be a living room and he, along with Boo who was now wandering around with him, had slept in an oversized doggie bed. Burt let out a sight before looking around for anything that could be useful but he didn't seem to find anything.

He grabbed the pills out of the bag and took one. When he opened his eyes afterward he noticed he was surrounded by void so he quickly took a pill to return to the house.

He and Boo began to wander around the house and entered a room. The kitchen. He ran over to the drawers and began to search for some sort of weapon for defence. It was probably rude to search someone's house but right now that didn't matter. All he wanted was to go home. When he looked in the very bottom drawer all the way to the right was a cleaver knife. He took it out of the drawer and put it into his bag. He continued to search the kitchen being able to find at least one of the empty bottles he used to have. He also found some salt and pepper and put that in his bag too. Who knows, might come in handy.

There wasn't else that peaked his interest though. But Boo did find a lanter and a box with still a few matches in so Burt bagged it real fast before they moved onto the next room.

The next room was just a bathroom, nothing too special. But Burt still searched it anyway. Checking anywhere and everywhere but nothing too special. That was until he found a cigarette and a small ashtray beside it. He took the box of cigarettes, even though he didn't smoke, and put them in his bag leaving the ashtray behind.

Then the two left the room and re-entered the living room. Looking around they found a staircase that went upstairs. So they climbed the stairs into the upper part of the house. There was a partly open door along with talking from inside the room.

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