[Part 21]

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A sudden thud of something large hitting the floor echoed in Burt's ears. He fluttered his eyes, not even realizing he had closed them earlier until now. He lifted head up and looked around in awe.

Large sunflowers, almost as tall as a building surrounded them. The center of the large sunflowers were different colored eyes depending on which flower you looked at. The ground on the other hand had normal grass. The Creature laid down, signaling to the people who were riding it that it was the end of their trip and it was time to get off.

Burt smiled as he got down and gently helped Boo down before taking the unconscious Sven in his arms and carrying him to the grass before setting him down on said grass. The Right hand man did the same with Reginald, setting him down on the grass next to Sven before plopping down on the grass by Reginald. Burt let out a sigh before sitting down by Sven.

"W'ot the 'ell just 'appen back there?" Right said, sounding out of breath. Burt took a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh.

"I don't know. So many things have happened so quickly this week that it's hard to keep up." Burt replied. He looked down at the ground, beginning to pick the grass in front of them.
"How's yer head?" Right suddenly asked.

"Well- I don't feel any pain. So I guess that's good." Burt replied.

"Would it be alright if I check it?" Right offered. Burt glanced up at him before looking down into his bag before grabbing out the medical kit. He stood up and moved so he was now sitting down by the Right hand man. Burt handed Right the medical kit before taking off his headphone and top hat.
Right unwrapped the bandages around Burt's head before examining. He touched a few spots on Burt's head causing Burt to wince in pain. Right opened the medical kit before grabbing out some medicine to clean the injuries with. Burt wince and hissed in pain as Right made sure his injuries were extra clean before wrapping fresh bandages around his head.

"Once we get 'ome we are takin' ya to the hospital ta get t'at checked out." Right stated.

Burt let out a frustrated groan but nodded in understanding anyway. A sudden feeling of nausea mixed with sleepiness and headache hit him like a wave as he was now finally relaxed. He felt sick and his head hurt like hell. He clutched his head and let out a quiet groan of pain.

Right patted Burt's head gently, trying not to hurt Burt. "Maybe we should get some rest as well. Who knows 'ow long it gonna take ta get back 'ome." Right cooed.
Burt simply nodded before leaning back quickly until he was laying down. He looked up. It was clear, no clouds in sight. The sky was made up of pink and orange swirls. A soft thud came from next to him. He glanced over to his side to see Right with his eyes already closed as he laid down. Burt looked back up at the sky before letting out a yawn and letting his eyes fluttered shut.

It was so peaceful and quiet as he drifted off into a slumber.

But that sweet peaceful silence didn't last long.

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