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I will start answer request again on the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy this one !

Thank you for the big fat 900 my pepegas.

Your trap goddess really love it :).


*Sorry for the sudden edit.


Xiao looked up towards the forest, flickering of ravens came out with their caws filling the still night. He frowned.

For some reason, he felt uneasy. It was not about the traveler, the demons, nor the people that needed help.

An unwanted person had entered the land of Liyue, and somehow he felt he had to protect Rex Lapis.

He knew all of the ordeal, the death of the Rex Lapis being a fake one. He was the Vigilant Yaksha, the Geo God's aid that stayed by his side for as long as he remembered. How could he be fooled by it.

Therefore, how much he dislikes the public, he had to go to the city to silently to protect Zhongli.

Hidden from the eyes of the public, he watched Zhongli the next day. He was working as per usual, having his tea and greeted by the traveler that happened to be there.

After a awhile, the same feelings he felt that night came again. He was alerted, and looked down to the restaurant Zhongli stayed again.

His eyes narrowed as he saw an individual took a seat at a table behind Zhongli, wearing an outfit covering all of their body, a hood were over their head.

He watched the person keenly, until his eyes were caught by them.

His heart almost fell seeing a piercing (e/c) eyes looked at him straight to his soul.

As a deity that faced nightmare all his life, he felt chill went down his spine at the fact that you noticed his well hidden presence, and how you had been the entire time he was watching you.

Then, Zhongli seemed to finish his lunch, standing up to leave, and Xiao quickly noticed how you stood up to follow him.

It was his cue to interfere.

As you were descending the stairs to follow the God, the deity you sensed being watched earlier appeared before you which you had expected. You put on an annoyance look.

"I cannot allow you to continue what you are doing." Xiao said with his usual stoic look, you scoffed.

"Do you have any idea who is the God you ought to protect ?" You said, which surprised Xiao that you knew Zhongli was a God, but the fact that you knew where he was, it was not as surprised.

"You're speaking to his aid of thousand years. You dare questioning my resolve ?" You frowned at him, you knew you were not going to like him one bit.

He was an interference to your plan, your sole plan you have made for years, alone.

"I'm not standing here to appear friendly while talking to you. Move."

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