Zhongli and Childe (18+)

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trigger warning
this oneshot contains a forced intercourse and triggering to some people so please skip if you're unpleasant, uncomfortable, triggering for you. although i want to be clear that the reader here is consenting their doing and knowing it wrong, but yes she likes it.

Not requested but 👅 af

Anyways, thank you for the (almost) 600 followers ! Whoever haven't follow yet can do so if you want.

I am currently writing an original story so if you want you can check it out as well.

Now, why is Zhongli and Childe in a same sentence ?


A swift footsteps heard in between untouched forest, a glimpse of (h/c) hair was seen frantically in the air as you ran in a calculated steps. Your three-section spear were dangling on the back as you hold onto them, eyes were sharp on your surrounding for any glimpse of your enemies.

"There you are, (Y/n)!" An obnoxious sounding voice heard from the air of your right, and you instinctively brought your spear and blocked the hydro-make spear, behind it was the owner of the voice that had an amusing smile on his face.

You glared into his blue eyes, your face seen a glimpse of struggle of holding his strength on your spear. You heard another footsteps coming your way.

You brought another end of your spear and struck Childe with it, but he quickly pulled back and forced to distance himself from you. You leaped to the back, reattached your spear together into a single, double-edged spear, but you cannot lower your guard as a pair of gleaming golden eyes were charging towards you with killing intent.

"Aoda !" You shouted, and those golden eyes flickered to the shaking ground as a giant snake came from below, striking him from the side. He was quick to shield himself with the spear, clicking his tongue.

You, were a formidable foe, and it was annoying. You were not even those of a god-like, nor you a vision-holder like Xiao or Ningguang or Xiao, but you were strong.

You were smart and agile, a nomad with a forbidden power. You were a cocky one to both Zhongli and Childe. You looked down on archons and vision-holder, and your name were famous in entire Teyvat for your bad reputations. Not many people like that you were actually alive.

This fight was probably just a rivalry thing, in which both Zhongli and Childe felt the need to put you to your place.

Now you came to Liyue, it was time to greet you to the real world.

The previously untouched forest were now left burnt from the toxin created by Aoda and you.

You tried to run away again, but two vigorous footsteps heard from behind you.

You came to Liyue, a country of adeptis, and you already expecting a warming welcome from them. However, you were now stuck fighting against the 11th Fatui Harbinger and another unknoen but powerful golden-eyed man !

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