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Requested by yahikoackerman6

I'm taking a break from streaming for a few days to a week, and I have plenty of time to write now !
If you have any request, feel free to comment the details on the 'Request' chapter.

I hope you enjoy.


Among those who serve Tsaritsa, there were a couple that became the talk of the people. The genius and powerful duos that fear by many. One wield Electro while the other was Pyro. Both were quite famous for being sadistic as both wield no weapon but a catalyst user. No single man ever got to reach close to them in any spar, and when the two of them combined, they became impregnable fortress.

Not only these words being talk among the Fatui, but also the Gods reign all across Teyvat.

The pair being you and Scaramouche. Both of you compliment each other very well. One who had lot to say in words, whereas the other could even convey a complete sentence with a smile.

Those who did not know the nature the both of you held, they might choose Scaramouche as the scariest one. He could intimidated others with even a few words and a glance of disgust in his eyes. Whereas you did not waste your time on that.

You spare no pity.

Fire had always known as a destructive element. It damage range bigger than any other elements. It was also an even easier element to execute as it only needs oxygen and sparks, although in your case you wield Vision.

However, you could still summon Pyro in anyway you like, even more powerful than normal fire.

Your fire was always a breathtaking view. It was the colour of blue, one of the hottest heat a fire can make. Sometimes, it turned even a little shade of purple if you were in a quite shaky mood. There was one time it even turned black, but no one dare to hope to see it again.

Yes, both of you are dangerous duos and hold no mercy to others, but even those who born out of evil learned how to love at some point.

On one evening, you were caught in a mission with Scaramouche and Childe on which you should infiltrate one of the Abyss Order's base to seek information of the unknown leader that suddenly appeared and reign the Abyss Order. Other than that, it is also a fair warning fot them to not mess with the Fatui any further.

At first, they poke at the affair in Sumeru. You were almost finished your task when the Abyss Mage decided to ambush you and took your important details regarding the God of Wisdom. It ticked you off and ever since, you tend to burn anything that related to those puny animals.

You eyed darkly at the Abyss Herald you had beaten easily. On a normal day, you would have a hard time even handling a traveler. However, the Abyss Mage knew how to press your buttons.

You held his eyes who were glaring into you, and thought how he even had the audacity to still glare at you even with his arms both tied to the back. The Abyss Mages that being caught together with him did not even dare to look at you.

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