31. Casual Interrogation

Start from the beginning

Yeah I'm fine, these things aren't usually my thing

Skylar :)
I get it
These aren't my things either but am I doing good?

You're doing great, I'm pretty sure they don't suspect you to be someone that'll lie to teachers and security guards to get out of school 😂

Skylar :)
Hey now!
I have reasons okay and some of them were you

So you're blaming it on me now??

Skylar :)
What?! NO!
I didn't say that
I didn't say that
Whatever mind game you're playing stop it😑

Mindgame? I'm playing no such thing😌

Skylar :)
Mhm sure you don't I will get you back

I'd like to see you try

Skylar :)
Don't underestimate me 😉

"Okay here we go, sorry for the wait, the ice cream was just a little too frozen." My mom lets out a simple laugh while putting a tall wide glass of our not-family favorite dessert, at least not for me and Aunt Jacky. Our favorite is chocolate cake. "Thank you Mrs. Skeels." Skylar looks curiously at the sweet concoction. I don't blame her, the first time I had this I looked at it the same way.

"You're welcome, this is my family's favorite, my younger sister Jacky who's in the military, and our oldest sister Betty who's a teacher would beg me to make this for them even when we have those once in a while family gatherings." That isn't all right, "It must be that good then." Skylar takes her bite and I wait for her reaction. "Wow, that is sweet." Her nose scrunched a little, "It is, the cherries are reduced to a syrup with rum and we chose bailey's because it has a nice sweetness to it then you get the break with the vanilla ice cream. Do you like it?" Mom takes a spoonful along with dad.

"It is good, I'm just more of a chocolate person." She licks her lips attempting to have another bite, this dessert gives you cavities that's why I take very small bites. "She's like Aunt Jacky." I butt in the conversation, "Really?" Dad questions and I nod, "Yes, Aunt Jacky also prefers chocolate flavored things instead of vanilla or strawberry and she loves anything chocolate flavor." I explain my own Aunt's preferences in sweets.

"Your aunt sounds pretty cool." Skylar says and I see my mom tense up, "She is, she's in the army and she's a pilot. She's currently somewhere in Asia training other pilots before they go out for missions and she might be coming for our graduation." I keep speaking highly of the one family member that I know loves me. "Hopefully I can meet her." Skylar smiles and so do I. "You will, I think she'll love to meet you too." I take another bite, as a victory for pissing off my mom without her being able to do anything about it.

The good thing about having people over is that my parents put on a fake facade and they can't get mad at me because it breaks their 'good-parent' masks so as much as I don't like having people around it keeps me safe for a few hours.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Skeels." Skylar wipes her mouth with a napkin as the dinner was coming to an end, sadly. "I can walk you out." I stand up fixing the wrinkle that has appeared on my dress and Skylar stands up walking to my side. "It's wonderful to meet you Skylar and it's reassuring knowing my daughter is with someone who will keep her safe. Also, I would love to talk about some business with your trading business, here is my card. Give me a call when you're not busy so we can set something up. Again it was great meeting you Skylar, you have a good night." My dad hands her his business card that came straight from his pocket.

It still amazes me that he walks around with business cards in his pockets, even if we're out where business isn't really talked about. "For sure sir, thank you." They both shake hands then my mom comes up, "Thank you for joining us Skylar, it was a pleasure. You are quite something." She sighs hugging Skylar and she taps her back not trying to make it awkward. "The pleasure is all mine, I hope you all have good night." She says then I nudge her to follow me.

"I think that went well." I say opening the front door and she steps out while I stand close to the edge, "I think it did too but that's not who they are really are is it?" She asks and my eyes widen, "What?" I question and she chuckles, "I know that wasn't them, they were just trying to prove that it's who they could be but I know they're worse than that." She explains and I sigh, "Yeah you would be right but I'm glad that you're here because that means you don't have to see the side of them that I do." I hope no one has to see that side of them. "Well if that side of them comes out just give me a call and I'll come to get you." She says in all seriousness.

"I'll be sure to let you know." I let out and it fell silent between us but it wasn't awkward at all, "I think I should go before they think I kidnapped you." She takes another step back, "I'll see you on Monday Beans." She waves at me and I step out quickly standing in front of her and I push myself up on my toes planting a kiss on her cheek, "Thank you for the flowers, I'll see you Monday." I move back into my house and she smiles waving at me and I do the same before closing the door. "I kissed her cheek." I covered my mouth as my smile stuck against my face, "Oh I did it." I whisper again doing a little happy dance.

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