CH.8: Preparation for the Vaizel Fighting Festival

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Guys, i know you probably though i was dead cause i havent updated in like forever.

I'm not gonna give excuses so let's continue the story. Oh. Before I forget. Again..

They found Emiko and Yui just before the vaisel fighting festival where Diane's Gideon was.

Mkay? Got it? Let's move on!


That night, I got dressed for bed. Then I realised something. Where were we going to sleep?

I asked Meliodas. He smirked then said, "You and Yui will be sleeping with me!" He said smiling cheekily.

My intention wasn't to sleep with Yui but with Emiko.

But I knew if I involved Yui, Emiko would get overprotective. I had enough lessons from King.😏

"W-what?!" "Yeah. There are only 3 rooms. 1st is Ban and King's room. Then Elizabeth's then mine."

She groaned. "Fine. But let Yui sleep with Elizabeth" She demanded.

"Fine, Fine!" I said raising my hands acting dissapointed. "Asshole..." Emiko mumbled under her breath.

"I heard that you know!" I said. "Whatever. Goodnight!" She said walking up the stairs.

Soon after I joined her

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Soon after I joined her. She was fast asleep. I couldn't help it. I hugged her close to me and fell asleep.


I woke up. I tried to get up but failed miserably. I looked at what was holding me back.

It was Meliodas. I blushed. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and wouldn't let go.

"Mmm...oh- good morning Emiko-Chan.."he said yawning.

He was kinda- cute.. wait- did he say chan? As in..girlfriend? Or..close friend?...

"Morning. Can you please let me go now?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh- nope. I'm too comfortable. " he said going back to sleep. I groaned.

"Let's try this again. Get yo fucking ass out of bed and let me go!" I shouted at him.

"Jeez. Fine- " he said releasing me. "Thank you" I said before leaving.

After training. You went back into the Boar Hat just in time to hear Meliodas' announcement.

It was about the next destination. We were going to the vaisel fighting festival.

So lately Meliodas has been training me a lot for the past 2 days. I've been unlocking quite a few powers lately.

Meliodas says some of them were goddess and Demon powers. I'm still getting used to them but otherwise I'm happy.


I was a panting mess. The past 2 days Emiko has been unlocking multiple powers and has been creating moves of her own so its getting harder to catch up to her.

"Aww.. don't tell me you can't keep up?" She asked mockingly. Damn- she good at getting me back at my own games.

"Heh. Guess I am." She gave me that smile that always gives me strength. Hm.. I think I'm developing a crush for her.. it can't be helped!

 it can't be helped!

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