Dark Frontier part 1&2

Start from the beginning

Captain Janeway started coming around as soon as they repaired the communications. The crew members were all working at their assigned stations, when they heard a quiet moan ring through the cabin. The doctor and Seven were quick to kneel next to the now awake Captain. Her eyes fluttered open and she asked "What happened? Ohh." Seven responded "Your console exploded and you were flung from your station." The doctor said "if you would have listened to me and stayed on the ground, you wouldn't be in worse shape." She looked at everyone with confusion in her eyes. The doctor decided to finally tell her what was going on. "Captain! You have suffered a severe spinal cord injury, massive internal bleeding, a broken shoulder, 4 cracked ribs, two bruised ribs, a concussion, and 3rd degree burns." She tried to move, but pain raged from head to toe. The doctor again told her "CAPTAIN! You need to stay still, and not move. Please."

Suddenly Chakotay's voice came through the cabin. "Voyager to the Delta Flyer. Please respond?" Commander Tuvok replied "We're here Commander. The captain is seriously injured, we need to get her to sickbay." The doctor looked down to see Janeway trying to push away the pain, but it wasn't going well. "Kathryn, hold on for us. Isabella and Kol need their mother, and I need my wife." Chakotay called through, letting the captain light up with joy. She said "Oh Chakotay! Where's Bella? And Kol? Are they okay?" The doctor tried to get her to take it easy, but she wouldn't until she got her answers. "They're fine, my love. They're worried for her mother, and refusing to be with anyone but me. They can tell that something is wrong." Chakotay was quick to tell her, and continued to end with "We have to end our link for a bit, because we are still about 4 hours from you and need more power to warp drive. We'll contact you with a visual in about three hours. Please stay alive my dear?" She smiled at that, when the link abruptly ended.

The doctor had sent Paris and Tuvok to find something for her to drink, leaving him to ask her "Captain? When was the last time you and the Commander were intimate?" Her mouth flew open, at the thought that he would ask such a question. "Well Kol is only 14 months old...The last time Chakotay and I were alone...was our anniversary weekend...about 4 months ago...Why?.." The doctor scanned her abdomen again, before telling her "Well, congratulations you're pregnant! Approximately 16 weeks along, and the baby is perfectly healthy despite all your injuries." The captain's mouth fell open again, when she weakly moved her good hand to her midsection. "What...How? I'm too old...to have children...I've already had more than I thought...I would be...able to have..." The doctor shrugged but showed her the results on the tricorder, and happily told her "Well congratulations for keeping Voyager populated." Janeway tried to move slightly, but that movement caused her to close her eyes and bit down on her lip again.

Seven nudged the doctor's arm to get his attention, when she saw the blood in the corner of the captain's mouth. "Captain! If you feel like you're going to be sick, please let me know and we will lift you up." She nodded and almost immediately beckoned for her to be sat up. Lieutenant Paris came running back with a clear bucket, just in time for Tuvok and the doctor to get the captain up. He held the bucket as the Captain started spewing out all blood, which concerned everyone. When she was finally done, she slumped against Tuvok's shoulder. They all saw that it took a lot out of her, so they laid her back down. Paris and Tuvok had taken off their jackets, so that the captain could have something underneath her. She was sick three more times in the 3 hour timeframe. There was a beep from the helm console, so Paris and Tuvok went back to put the transmission on the main viewer.

Voyager's bridge flashed on the main viewer, and saw Kathryn lying towards the back almost lifeless. Little Kolopak let out a slight gurgle, when he wiggled in the Commander's arms. They also saw Bella standing on the Captain's chair, and she called out "Momma!" Captain Janeway reached up to grip the doctor's shoulder. "Help me up...please?" She begged. Seven helped him lift her up so she could see the Commander. "Oh Kathryn! You don't look so good. Please hold on?" Chakotay called through the link, and watched his wife light up with glee. "Oh Chakotay!" she said weakly, almost passing out.

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