The doctor walked towards the replicator and decided to ask the command team "Do you guys remember an away mission that took place 18 months ago?" Kathryn and Chakotay both knew what he was talking about, but knew they couldn't say anything. The doctor continued to talk about a surgery that he performed on Ensign Kim, but no one remembered anything about it. Commander Chakotay immediately took the brace out of the doctor's hands, and dismissed him back to sick bay. He decided to go back and do his own research about his problem.

Once Kathryn and Chakotay were alone, he motioned for her to take off her coat. He saw that she had gone silent ever since the doctor asked about the fateful mission that almost broke the doctor. "This is going to hurt! I'm sorry!" Even then she didn't say a word. He wrapped the brace around her back and got it in place so it would help heal her back. All he could do was lightly pull her into his side and asked "Are you alright?" She sighed and lowered her head, before saying "I'm worried about the doctor...I don't think I can go through that again...We went through so much back then...only to have this happen..." Chakotay soothed his wife, by telling her "We'll get through this. I promise you, and you know that I'm always right." She let out a laugh, and tried to grab her jacket from her chair but found the brace wouldn't allow her to reach that far. He was quick to help her back into her uniform jacket, and headed back to the bridge.

Over the course of the next three weeks the doctor had progressively gotten worse. The captain had eventually agreed to restore his memories and let him try and make sense of his decisions. They had set up one of the holodecks with two chairs, so that a crew member could always be there to listen. The captain had been reading a poetry book called "La Vita Nuova." The doctor had gotten more frustrated at a sudden realization, when Tuvok walked into the holodeck. The captain pushed herself up, Tried to with the brace, and Tuvok told her "Captain! You have been here for 16 hours, perhaps you should go get some rest while I take over? Spend some time with your family." She waved him off, by telling him "I'll be fine...Go back to the bridge." He left, but ran into someone he knew would be waiting close by.

She laid back in the chair with her book, when the doctor went on another rant. Unknowing to the captain she dozed off. The doctor had asked her a question and when she didn't answer, he turned to find her fast asleep. Slowly he walked over and shook her leg. She shot awake and said "oh Doctor...I'm sorry..." She stiffly pulled herself up in the chair, but got dizzy. He watched as she brought her hand to her head, and figured that she wasn't telling him the truth so he called her out on it and asked "are you okay?" She brushed it off as nothing, but he laid his hand on her head only to feel the excessive heat radiating onto his hand. He recoiled it and yelled out "Fever! You have a fever! Call Paris...You need to get to sickbay.." She stood up and grabbed his shoulder; telling him "Doctor! I'm fine...I'm a little busy right now helping a friend.." The doctor felt horrible that she was overworking herself to be here for him. "Captain...I'll be okay for the night...Please go get some sleep? Please?" Reluctantly she agreed and put her bookmark on her favorite poem, so that he could read it while she was gone. The doctor sat back down in his chair, and stared forward at the wall, while the Captain started to walk towards the door. She suddenly got very dizzy, and found her world fading to black.

The doctor looked towards the Captain when he heard a thud. He found the Captain face down on the holodeck floor. In that instant his 'doctor's instinct' kicked in, and he rushed to her side. The first thing he did was roll her carefully onto her back; only to see that she was unconscious and had a pretty nasty bump on her temple. "CAPTAIN! Captain...can you hear me?" He asked, while checking her pulse. Without a tricorder there was no way to tell what was wrong with the Captain, and her pulse was weak. He knew that he needed to contact someone, but they had deactivated his combadge while he was with a crewmember. Without hesitation he smacked the captain's combadge and called through "Holodeck 1 to Commander Chakotay...Report to the holodeck ASAP!"

Outside of the holodeck Commander Chakotay was already on his way when he got the doctor's call, but he just started running instead of walking. When he arrived he found the doctor kneeling next to his wife, so he rushed to her side to help. "Doc, what happened?" He asked, after looking over Kathryn. The doctor honestly told him "I saw that she wasn't feeling good, and told her to go get some sleep...but then I heard her hit the floor...I don't know what happened...I haven't been able to wake her..." Chakotay made a move to scoop her up off the ground, and told the doctor "Don't worry I'll get her to sickbay as fast as I can...Thank you for helping, but do you need me to send someone down to keep you company?" The doctor just shook his head, and led the Commander to the door, before saying "No! I don't want anyone else to suffer because of me..." All Chakotay could do was nod his head, and head for sickbay.

Chakotay made it a key to update the doctor on the Captain's condition, so he called to the holodeck. When the doctor answered, he told him "I just wanted to let you know that Kathryn is resting comfortably in our quarters." The doctor let out a sigh, but had to ask "What did Tom say happened?" Chakotay responded "She had overworked her back and threw it out again at some point, so Tom reset it. She also was badly dehydrated, extremely exhausted, and slightly malnourished. He gave her an analgesic for the nausea, and put her on bed rest for the next couple of days." The doctor was so happy that she would be alright, that he decided to ask "Would it be possible tomorrow to have someone bring me to visit the captain?" He heard the Captain laugh in the background, before the Commander said "I think that can be arranged." The doctor closed the link and felt a whole lot better than he had in what seemed like forever.

The End

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