Kids POV

Back in the mess hall Neelix and the kids were putting the final touches on the last minute party. The room was all decorated with drawings that the kids did, streamers, and more varieties of food than they've seen in a long time. "Where's mommy? Isn't she coming to the party?" Little Bella asked Neelix who told her, "We're waiting for a little bit before calling them, so they can be close to the end of their shift. We don't want to disrupt them on the do we?" All the kids shook their heads and continued to make sure everything was perfect for the away team's party.

Bridge POV

"Harry, that's not it?" Tom asked the Captain, and watched as she shook her head. They were all shocked that the lie was how many bones she had broken. Commander Chakotay laughed and called out "I knew that was a lie!! Because I have seen the reports from the doctor!!!" She gawked and teasingly asked him "Oh so you only know how many times I've been injured from the doctors reports? And not from being at my side the whole time? Wow!" He quickly fixed his statement; taking her hand and telling her "I will always be at your side...including when you are lying in sick bay." Tom interrupted their moment and asked "May I ask how rebellious a teen you were captain?" She shot him a grin, before in her best command tone responded, "I'm sorry lieutenant you don't have high enough clearance to know.." Chakotay asked "does a Commander have proper clearance to know about this?" She tilted her head to think about it, and replied "Fine, but only because you are also married to me."

They continued the game by having the Commander go, but he chose to make it easy yet hard, and told them "I'm married to my I like dogs...and I am on good terms with the senior staff.." Captain Janeway burst out laughing at how easy he made this one, but only Tuvok knew the correct answer. Tom spoke up and said "Well I know that he is married to the captain, and I hope she's his soulmate otherwise this is going to get very awkward." Harry added "I know that he is on good terms with most of us, but Paris I don't know about..." Janeway was trying so hard not to answer, because she knew the right answer. Eventually she couldn't stand it anymore and blurted out "The Commander tricked you, because all three of his statements are true...He's married to his soulmate I hope...He likes dogs, because I like dogs, and I happen to know that ever since Paris saved me from the alien identity thief and saved our son that he is in good standing with Chakotay..." She cut off and again turned to him asking "Why would you trick them like that honey?" It was his turn to burst out laughing, before responding "Actually there is a lie in their honey..." She shot him a confused glare, so he continued "Well it is true that you are my soulmate Kathryn...and I do like dogs because I know that you love dogs...but I am not on good terms with the bridge crew." Harry asked "Well if it's not Tom or me, then who is it?" Tuvok spoke up in his usual tone, responding with "I do not believe that I am the one at odd terms with the Commander, so it must be the captain." She gasped in shock, and waited for him to clarify his answer. He told them "well I know the captain is leaving on an away mission tomorrow, and is leaving me home alone with two little children that love their mom more than me." She sweetly said "oh honey, the kids love you too...You will be just fine with them while I'm gone...I will also be fine because I'll have Tuvok and Tom with me...Now the hardest part will be getting up with Kol two or three times during the night..." She cut off to try and stifle a yawn, before continuing "Now you'll finally be the one to know how it feels to not sleep at all. Have fun darling!.." again she yawned, and everyone heard it.

"Kathryn, maybe you should go home early and get some sleep? It might help your headache too." Chakotay suggested, but she briskly waved him off. They still had about 4 hours left on their shifts...or so they thought. Neelix's voice rang out through the bridge excitedly saying "I'm sorry to interrupt things on the bridge, but I have two little kids who are requesting their parents and the away team to come to the mess hall...They have been waiting patiently for 3 hours, and I don't know how much longer I can hold them off." Tom and Harry had already turned their stations over to the beta shift crew, and when Chakotay and Janeway turned around they saw Tuvok switching out his station. "Well Kathryn! We better not disappoint Bella, so let's go." Chakotay said while standing and offering his hand to her. She looked to see that Ayala was ready to take control of the bridge, so she accepted her husband's hand and hauled herself stiffly out of the chair. Everyone took notice that she was more tired than she let on, but didn't say anything about it. They knew the past few weeks have been brutal for the captain. "Alright Ayala...the bridge is yours." Captain Janeway said before following Chakotay into the turbolift.

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