Chapter Twenty-Four

Comenzar desde el principio

"Goddess, what have we uncovered..." She breathed, and Remus didn't hesitate to follow in pursuit after the two guests of his pack. And sure enough, what had once been a clear path up to the mountain suddenly turned into a structor.

The Alpha of Crescent Moon had stood in shock, the building held an industrial chimney that could mandate that this was indeed a factor of the sorts.
But why did nobody recall this being a part of the pack?

Why was this never on any maps, this was surely important enough to—

"What the actual living breathing fuck is that?"
"Rory, look I can handle a lot with a straight face. But this," The male said gesturing with the entirety of his arm length to show emphasis, "...Is too much for me to take in, there's nobody here...Right?"

The question sprang the shock from everyone's system and return them to their guard stature, but Enzo shook his head. "No, the shield was not meant to house living beings behind it."
"He's right, this wouldn't allow anything in or out—Though any competent witch could take this down, even Sage could probably take a crack at it," Rebekah said, holding up her long cloak to start venturing forward.

"For the most human of the group, I swear she believes she's invincible," Enzo growled, following after his little mate with long steps. The wolves however took a much more cautious approach, this place completely foreign even though it was so close to home.

The structure of a cabin-like built had a wolf's signature style etched all over it. Nothing about this was human.

"The house knows we're here..." The witch said, her wrist coming up to call her familiar closer to her and he hopped onto her shoulder.

"What do you mean the 'house knows', what does a house know?" Jack called out, and the mere idea of an inanimate object—Or structor, in this case, was sentient caused their beasts' fur to rise further.

"It's a shelter, isn't it? Someone made this their home base and left their mark." Rebekah answered the Delta's question, and the male simply looked off towards his Alpha with a saddened gaze.

"This has my father written all over, it doesn't look too old." Remus beckoned, and it was made blatantly clear once they looked at the finer details, his father's insignia was branded straight onto the door.

But it was faint.

"The door won't open, it requires an offering." She beckoned, looking expectedly towards the Alpha who frowned. Only for Enzo to place a hand onto the wolf's shoulder. "House requires blood."

"Blood? You make the house sound alive and you still want me to give it my blood."
"Alpha, it's not the same force that the shield used. This is different. If this really is your father's doing then he'd use his blood to enter." She made perfect sense and Remus begrudgingly followed after the witch and summoned his fangs to cut along his palm. Which she didn't instruct him to touch the insignia, it was surely a place marker for this exact reason.

And once the damn thing recognized the blood, the symbol glowed with a sickening golden glow before the door swung open violently slamming against the wall.

Remus couldn't retain himself from not going first, and while it didn't smell as moldy as the bunker he ventured down. It did hold a similar constricting sense within the building.

"You think this was a safe house? I remember dad always saying that there was somewhere to go if—"
"Dad's idea of a safe house was throwing the pack into the bunker. No, this is something else." Jackson threw out one of the first theories, but as everyone started to pick up the fallen furniture and lingering bits of documents. It was concluded that this place was abandoned, most likely in a hurry.

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