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I apologize in advance

I tried toning the drama down for the family, religious and homophobic ally traumatized people out there

But we all knew shit had to happen at some point

Focus on the happy ending

Alexa play Fever by Ateez.


"We need to talk"

Of course they did.

Seungmin sighed, sitting on the couch as Hyunjin followed, not daring to break the distance between them, eyes on the ground, hand shaking slightly.

"I was rehearsing this speech all day but now it seems harder to come through with that guy looking at me.", Seungmin chuckled, moving Hyunjin on the couch so he would face him and the door instead of the Jesus's portrait, in which was supposed to be a playful act, but ended up making them be incredibly close.

Hyunjin didn't mind, he just smiled, leaning to place a kiss to Seungmin's forehead.

The shorter gulped, smiling like a mad man and burying his face in his hands.

"Holly shit, Hyunjin-"

"I know. I know i'm-", he let out a shakily breath. "The worst is I don't think this is from now."

"What?", Seungmin seemed too confused for Hyunjin's taste.

"This, me wanting to... y-you know when I asked you to kiss me I- I kind of lied? I'm... it was never any option besides you, not because you said or did something you literally just existed.", he smiled, throwing himself to the couch again, laying his head back. "And I've been trying to figure out since day 1 of our lessons what on earth was this... this feeling."

Seungmin's eyes widened.

That was not what he was expecting at all.

He was waiting for a heartbreak, a "we can't do this" or "it's not right." But the pastor's son was right there, telling him about forbidden feelings.


"Let me finish.", he reached out for Seungmin's arm, pulling him closer and staring deep into his eyes, making Seungmin's ability to even breath falter. "I know you're freaking out right now, and I know this is a terrible idea, but it's the same thing again as the kiss. It was never anyone else in my mind, and now when I try and t-think of options, you're the only option that comes to my head.",  Hyunjin whispered it all too fast for a human brain comprehend, but Seungmin got it all, and he felt the rush, the desire, the surrending in each and every one of his words. "I never though about doing anything with a guy, Seungmin, god forgive me, right now I want to do so many things with you."

The shorter yelped as Hyunjin pushed his leg close, adjusting to be on his lap and gasped, feeling the tension almost break him.

"Hyunjin, oh god, do you know what you're doing?"

The taller looked at the guy on top of him, one leg on each side of his lap, and hands hooked around his neck he leaned forward, gently kissing Seungmin's sensible neck and smiled at the week whimper. His hand went up Seungmin's shirt and grasped the warm skin.

"Not at all."

That was the last thing Hyunjin whispered before the shorter pulled him into a kiss, and he was not proud of the noises he started making from the beggining, but the pressure on top of him was sending him over any limit he had ever imposed himself.

He was quick to depeen the kiss, like he knew every corner of Seungmin's mouth like the palm of his hand already, and the younger approved completely.

Seungmin whined into the kiss as Hyunjin pulled him closer, a hand making it's way to his waistband. He pulled away, trying to breath properly and falling in front as Hyunjin's finger brushed inside his boxers, still not entering. He moaned softly and Hyunjin let his head fall back again, gasping for air, heart hammering his chest hardly, painfully.

"Why are you hidding?" Seungmin could hear the smirk in his voice, and he slapped the guy's head, moaning again as the older brushed his hand against his soft skin, sucking on his neck to leave a bruise, momentarily forgetting he should be careful with marks in that city.

He didn't care, he needed to mark Seungmin.

"T-this is a bad idea, Jin-"

He didn't have the time to finish his sentence before the front door opened, making the two boys jump immediately.

Seungmin messily got away from Hyunjin, glueing inhumanly to the living room wall, his heart forgetting how to beat at the man that had just entered the house.


Hyunjin had his mouth wide open, like he was frozen, eyes widened looking at his father, breath unstable and heavy, he turned slowly on the couch.

"What is happening here?"

Seungmin flinched at each and every word, that the man uttered slowly, twisting the doorknob as his eyes wanders between the two boys.

"D-dad it's n-not what it looks like. I'm... we were just-"

"What are you doing here, boy?", the man dropped his suitcase in the floor, not closing the door even, the air that entered the room almost as cold as Seungmin's blood as the pastor made his way to him, face furious. "What are you doing bringing sin into my house? My home?", he screamed, punching the wall behind the younger, who flinched, closing his eyes. Seungmin didn't bother holding the tears that fell down his face, trembling all over. "You and your disgusting sinner family... you don't have the right to come into my home and try to corrupt my son-"

"Dad, stop.", Hyunjin was right next to them in a matter of seconds. His voice was shaking, but he pulled his father away slightly, knowing it was only being that easy because the man was still shaken up. "U-you're scaring him."

"H-he... Hyunjin, what has he put into your head?"

"Nothing. God, father i-"

"Don't you even utter his name, is that a hickey? Did you give him a-", the pastor's eyes trembled and Hyunjin pulled Seungmin's arm, letting him hide behind him.

"Seungmin Is going to leave now.", Hyunjin stated, carefully walking and hoping the man wouldn't burst out of nowhere. "And w-we are going to talk.. after.. the two of us."

"Talk? You need therapy.", he spat. "You go, Seungmin. And you never fucking come back, do you understand me?"

Seungmin nodded, grabbing his jacket and not daring to look at Hyunjin again. The man screaming to god like he could help the situation at the exact time.

By the time Seungmin got home he was still sleeping awake, like things could have gone much worse but at the same time couldn't.

He knew he would not be able to touch Hyunjin again.

And god only knew what expected him in the future.

He buried his head on the pillow, letting silent tears fall down his face.

Everything was so clouded, it all happened to fast, so weirdly.

He contemplated f he should send Hyunjin a text, but he knew damn well his phone was probably with the pastor.

He had to way to reach him.

To be with him.

To love him.

And he should have known that from the beggining.


Oh would you look at that, crash and burn

Now live with the fact that this story has been finished for over 20 days just laying on my drafts meaning I can go read the rest of it whenever I want to. :))

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