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Is this the part where you guys suffer? :))

Alexa play Deja Vu by Ateez.


"It's less than two weeks to the prom, why am I this nervous?", Jisung gulped, shaking his hands in front of the other's faces. Seungmin slapped his hand, keeping on writing while Felix rolled his eyes, grabbing the older's hand.

"I don't know, why are you? Have you even gotten a date yet?"

"Sure thing, I'm taking Diana from economy."

Felix raised his eyebrow.

"Pink hair, nose ring?"


"Doesn't seem like your type."

Jisung snorted, taking a bite of his lunch.

"You know nothing about my type, believe me."

Felix rolled his eyes with a grin.


Seungmin chuckled a bit at the comments not understanding it's extent but it was always amusing to hear the twins bicker at any time of the day.

Felix's phone went off suddenly, making the three of them shut up as the taller checked the name, getting the call immediately.

"Yes, Hi?" Silence. "Are you okay? I- oh." Felix cursed under his breath. "Don't worry, I'll be there in 5, I'm in the cafeteria, don't move." He switched the phone off, throwing it to his books. "I'm going to go get Changbin from his class, someone is picking on him again."

The other two just nodded, seeing Felix run away from them.

"Those two have something going on, don't they? Something special.", Jisung commented, lowly, carefully so he would not startled Seungmin.

"I guess so, whatever you mean by that."

"N-not romantic I... I mean-"

"Jisung.", Seungmin raised his eyebrow, smiling a bit. "I know exactly what you meant, and yes, I think so too. And I think it's beautiful, okay? No need to get all defensive with me, I'm not Chan."

"Speaking of the devil."

Jisung didn't even have the time to appreciate what Seungmin had just said or to control the urge to tell him about him and Minho, or tell Minho about how Seungmim seemed to fell okay about it. Three seconds later a plate was dropped by their side, Hyunjin sitting by Seungmin's side and groaning, almost throwing himself to the bench, on the other side of the caffeteria you could see Chan do the same at a different table with some people Seungmin couldn't quite recognize, glaring at their table.

"What the hell happened?"

"That idiot happened.", Hyunjin spit, hitting Seungmin slightly in his leg as he tried to take his jacket off, the buttons not coming off from the agitation he was in. Minho sat in front of him, by Jisung's side, smiling softly at his boyfriend. "Sorry.", he muttered at the younger.

"No worries, you need help there?", Seungmin asked, pretending his heart was not running like the flash at that point. He had avoided thinking about that day since the night before, but now that he leaned closer to take Hyunjin's shaking hands away from his buttons and slowly tried to undo them, his couldn't help it but to feel the ghost of the taller's lips hovering his.

Seungmin had no idea what had happened, it was not just a kiss, or a peck, it wasn't just a try out.

No, Hyunjin had made it way more than that.

And it was not like Seungmin minded but, now, feeling Hyunjin's soft breath on his face as he finally could help the guy, avoiding his eyes seemed the right thing to do so his heart wouldn't burst right there.

"Thank you.", his voice was low, just like it had been by Seungmin's house when he whispered a quiet goodbye.

Seungmin remembered clearly the way the taller had lookedat him then, his eyes slowly drifting away from Seungmin's eyes and to his lips, red by all the kissing that had happened along the way, everytime they could find a hidden area.

They were out in the open when Seungmin pulled him by his hand, placing a quick peck to his lips before running into the house.

Hyunjin had stayed there, looking at the empty path, and Seungmin could see the small smile plastered on his face.

Now, it was like the whole notion of reality was destorted.

What should he do now?

Hyunjin hadn't hidden his will to be like that with Seungmin the day before but what about now?

"What did he do? Chan, I mean?"

Hyunjin forced himself to look at Jisung instead of staring at Seungmin more, wandering what the guy was thinking about, bothered by the lack of contact.

"He was just teasing me, saying stupid shit, acting like he didn't almost beg my father to take Changbin's name out of his mouth when speaking of sins after what he did."

"That's supposed to be good, though, means he still has a soul and was trying to help."

Hyunjin scoffed, taking a bite of his bread.

"I know. I don't know why I'm so mad."

Seungmin's heart stopped as he tried to be brave, pushing his hand to Hyunjin's side under the table, gently resting it on his thigh. The taller froze for a split second before blinking, engaging in a conversation with Minho and slipping his hand to hold Seungmin's.

Both boys spent the lunch with a smile on their faces, and neither them or the couple questioned it.


Seungmin's breath itched as he stood in front of Hyunjin's house.

"Are you sure your parents aren't here? They don't like me a lot.", Seungmin tried to joke, nervously fiddling with his fingers as Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"They're not, dad will only be back by seven and mom later, let's go, it's cold outside."

Seungmin blushed madly at Hyunjin's gloved hand pulling him by his waist to enter the house, and even though his body was cold, he could fell the warmth inside spread immediately. Of course Hyunjin's house looked beautiful, if not for the amount of crosses hanging in almost every wall, that didn't seem to fit for some reason, which made Seungmin frown.

"My dad travels a lot and brings one from each country he is in.", Hyunjin's smiled at the guy, knowing exactly what made him act that way. "Some are weird but he calls it abstract design. My mom calls it waist of money, the house keeper calls it too much dust and I call it ugly. You can chose whatever to call it."

Seungmin chuckled and turned his body to Hyunjin, taking his biggest jacket off and facing the guy with a half smile.

The taller looked behind Seungmin to the face that humanity had given the god he was supposed to be listening to right now, and bit his lip, turning back to the boy.

"We need to talk."


Ah yes, tension

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