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I'm not stopping today


Alexa play Shoot Me by Day6.


Felix was the first thing Changbin saw the next morning. He was wearing a white binnie on his head and a warm jacket that made him look like a ball with legs, and even after Chan said that, Changbin still thought he looked adorable.

Jisung and Seungmin came with him, and they all smiled at each other, though Changbin was now aware of the small details, like the way Minho's hand lasted a bit more against Jisung's handshake, and how they sat right in front and behind each other. How Minho's leg was on his chair by the side and the way the younger caressed his knee.

"You seem happy today.", Seungmin tried to kept a straight face as Hyunjin didn't even look at him as they said hello, his chest hurting a bit for it.

Was he mad?

Was he disgusted?

It could have been just that he had been nervous about the time, right? It was late.

"Maybe, I asked my crush to the prom, she said yes.", Felix's smile seemed real, but Changbin could see through it, and he still didn't understand why the guy was like that, it seeemd like he had indeed convinced himself he had to like the girl.

But why?

Wether he knew the reason or not that would never stop him from feeling sad with the news. As Felix sat down, Chan flooding him with questions about how he planned to spend the time with her and other disgusting things he was not interested to hear, Changbin simply stared at the guy that sat in front of him. Eyes lost, Minho tapped Jisung slightly to make him look, and the two shared a knowing look.

Seungmin caught it too.

He felt sorry for Changbin, even if they had never really talked much, he knew how bad that hurt.

At least he was not the only one.

Minho, though, had his eyebrows furrowed by the middle of the second class, for he had started looking at Changbin, his eyes sliding to the shorter time after time, checking if he was okay, or at least holding up.

He caught the loving eyes, the silly smile everytime Felix talked to him, when he turned back to do the exercises with them, he caught the gulping and the staring, the way Changbin made their hands brush a few times without even noticing, startling himself everytime and blushing after.

But he also caught Felix's sweet smiles, the way he got lost staring at Changbin from time to time as well and, specially, the way he held his hand softly, playing with his fingers as they talked in a break, not caring about who was watching or what they thought.

He didn't lose the way Changbin freaked out and tried to let go, the way Felix didn't let him.

He didn't lose the way they held hands for a whole class.


Jisung waited for his boyfriend at the back of the caffe they usually had lunch at, hugging himself from the cold as the silly eye ran to him.

He smiled warmly and puckered his lips before even saying a word, knowing there was no one around and they could be themselves, so they kissed.

Minho cupped his face and kissed him with the emotion of two years and a half that was not dead like most. He kissed him with the love of a forbidden action in a judging city.

He kissed him with all his love.

Minho loved Jisung.

Jisung loved Minho.

To them, there had never been a different option than each other. Ever since they had met, in the 5th grade, their groups talked but nothing too much, but they always knew between each other, something was different for them. The glances were no mistake, the way their hearts sped up next to each other could mean nothing else.

Minho was the first one to accept it, after they started spending some more time together after school, he knew he liked Jisung, and he knew it was wrong, but what could he do when he felt more by looking at him than the first time he kissed a girl?

They were at that exact restaurant/caffe when Jisung made him go crazy for the first time, when he made Minho completely lose it.

They had gone out to lunch and the younger had been scratching his neck the whole day, something about a mosquito.

Of course Minho didn't last a single minute after Jisung got up to go to the bathroom. When he got in space, the younger furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why he was there, a wet hand from trying to make the red in his neck go away, a paper on the other hand.

Minho had launched forward and pulled his neck, making Jisung yelp before their lips crashed together.

He remembered perfectly, the way he panicked, thinking he had just ruined everything, but the shorter gasped against his lips and kissed him back, desperately, like he had been waiting for that for ages.

They had their first kiss in a crappy bathroom, maybe a bit too messily, but the feeling had been growing for ages and it took them too long to get out.

As they ran out of breath, Minho had gently pulled his hair back with a bit of water, kissing his cheek and letting the younger snuggle against him in shyness.

They left the restaurant that day and walked to the back of it to continue, still young and clueless, thinking they were doing something wrong, but already knowing how right it felt.

Minho remember the way Jisung had held his hand before they separated that day, it made him feel safe. Loved.

He never let it go.


Today is a Minsung filled day

Today is a Minsung filled day

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