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Not 24 hours after but it's already way into today so :)

Alexa play missing you by btob.

⚠️this is a bit of a heavy chapter including outing and slightly hard religion "justification"

And please stop complaining about these "spoilers"
Yes I do realize I spoiled the chapter, but I's rather do that than trigger people.

Just because you don't get triggered by something it does not mean other people wont.

Outings are triggering, so are other things in these chapters.

I will warm when I think I should.

If I get one more person going "booo you spoiled the chapter people can handle it we're not babies" I will find a way to block people on Wattpad.

Thank you for reading.

And sorry for being rude but it's starting to bother me a lot the lack of understanding and empathy.


Hyunjin knew something was wrong as soon as his father started talking. There was this tension in the air since morning, and even though he was sitting right next to Changbin on the bench, he could feel his mother's eyes judging him, or his friend.

As soon as his dad said the first word, his eyes slid to Chan, and he knew it.

The older had a pained expression, a tear running down his face and his eyes were slightly widened, as if he had dared someone to do something stupid thinking they would say no and just realized they did it and got hurt, or something worst.

"We are here today with an important thing to discuss. Something we haven't had to deal with for a long time, but apparently, near Christmas time our town has been having more sins.", his father's hand clutched the wood of the podium. "First our lively Anna, who got possessed by lust and ruined her young life.", Hyunjin looked around, seeing everyone mutter and soft smiles be shared. Pitiful smiles. "Today we have a case in hands that is very different, and we need to talk about it. We all know that the Bible says it is wrong for a man to lay with another man."

His voice left an echo in the church, no one dared to speak after he dropped the theme.

Hyunjin's hand flew to clutch Changbin's arm, nust like he had done to Seungmin two days before, which surprised the older, since they hadn't talked that day yet.

Changbin had been scared before, walking around for those two days like he didn't belong. Neither Chan, Hyunjin or Felix talked to him, and between the last two he had no idea which hurt more.

He thought Hyunjin hated him.

"He did not.", Jisung clicked his tongue behind them. "What are we going to do?"

"I-I don't know, he didn't say a thing to me, what if it's not-"

Hyunjin's dad interrupted his own hopeful pray with his speech.

"And in this town, we have a young man who's life is being thrown away. A young man who thinks he likes guys.", a wave of whispers made the boys shake. "And we need to put an end to this before he thinks this is really who he is. This is a disease, a mental one.", his voice went up, people talking more, confirmation from the public and support. "We need to save this young man, to show him what's the right path."

A choir of "yes" and "we do" was heard that made Hyunjin close his eyes fiercely.

"Block them out."

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